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"Um, Actually"

The pope also holds the title "Bishop of" this city

What is Rome?


This capital of Minnesota was named for an apostle

What is Saint Paul?


Charles Richter developed the first widely used earthquake scale at this Pasadena school of science & engineering

What is Caltech?


...of the suits in a standard deck of cards; can you dig it?

What are spades?


Fortune cookies are a Chinese tradition, certainly not invented by these people.

Um actually, fortune cookies were invented by Japanese Americans.


Meaning "my master" , this term refers to the chief religious official of a synagogue

What is a rabbi?


The names of this pair of explorers are on a Montana county, an Oregon river & a 4,900-mile trail

Who are Lewis & Clark?


The deadliest earthquake ever recorded struck this country's Shaanxi province in 1556

What is China?


...of the Beatles; he was also last to join the band

Who is Ringo Starr?

Humans use 10% of our brains, certainly not this percentage.

Um actually, humans use 100% of their brains capacity.


In eastern religion, it's the belief that the soul comes back in a new body & identity, perhaps that of a lawyer or a squirrel

What is reincarnation?


This alliterative Colorado "Peak" is named for a man who tried & failed to climb it in 1806; guess that was an "or bust"

What is Pikes Peak?


A flatboat pilot said an 1812 quake in Missouri was so powerful it made the waves on this big river run backwards

What is the Mississippi River?


...of James Dean's 3 major films; he would die a month before its release

What is Rebel Without a Cause?


The Great Wall of China is the only man-made object visible from space.

Um, actually city lights are easily visible on the night side of the Earth from orbit.


The cult of this 2-letter sun god of ancient Egypt reached its peak during the Old Kingdom around 2500 B.C

Who is Ra?


An 18th century British captain gave his name to these South Pacific islands, now a popular tourist destination

What are the Cook Islands?


A huge earthquake struck this capital of Portugal on All Saints' Day, 1755, killing many at mass in churches built of stone

What is Lisbon?


...of the New England states; it's also the least populous

What is Vermont?


Henry Ford was the first person to invent an automobile, before anyone else (name the person that did it first).

Um, actually Karl Benz invented the first modern, gasoline-run automobile.


A time of fasting, this ninth month of the Islamic year is remembered as when the Koran was revealed to Muhammad

What is Ramadan?


This strait between Asia & North America is named for a Danish explorer

What is the Bering Strait?


In 1906 a quake caused by a rupture along this fault devastated San Francisco & other California cities

What is San Andreas?


...of countries of the world; it was formerly known as Rhodesia

What is Zimbabwe?


This picture of a Viking

Um, actually Viking helmets never had horns on them.