Three sacraments of initiation
Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist
the first Pope and saint who was crucified upside down
St. Peter
The angel that delivered the news that Mary will bear the Son of God
St. Gabriel
how many times did Jesus fall carrying the cross?
the day before Ash Wednesday
Fat Tuesday
I wore a blue and white habit and won the Nobel Peace Prize.
The elderly cousin who Mary visited while she was pregnant with Jesus.
how many stations of the cross are there?
how much did Judas get for betraying Jesus?
30 pieces of silver
What do we become members of through Baptism?
the Church, the Body of Christ
The saint who wiped the face of Jesus while he was carrying the cross
St. Veronica
I appeared to Juan Diego in Mexico and my image appeared on his cloak when he showed the Bishop
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Who condemns Jesus to death in the first station?
Pontius Pilate
the final week of Lent that begins on Palm Sunday and ends on Holy Saturday
Holy Week
The oil used at Baptism and Confirmation is:
A) Sacred Chrism
B) Sacred myrrh
c) Holy frankincense
A) Sacred chrism
Patron saint of athletes
St. Sebastian
doctrine that Mary was made free from sin from her conception. Her soul was perfect from the start
Immaculate Conception
Who helps Jesus carry the cross?
St. Simon of Cyrene
what is burned to make the ashes for Ash Wednesday?
Last year's palms from Palm Sunday
through Baptism we become ____ sons and daughters of God
Sudanese saint kidnapped and sold into slavery
St. Josephine Bahkita
Mary's being taken up body and soul, into heaven
the Assumption
3 PM
3 elements of Lent
fasting, prayer, and almsgiving