Which of these SHOULD you do in the case of a bomb threat call?
a. Keep the caller on the line as long as possible.
b. Hang up immediately and call 911.
c. Activate the fire alarms to alert staff to leave the building.
a. Keep the caller on the line as long as possible.
You can still call or text 911 from your cell phone while you are on the phone with the caller.
Write down the caller ID, time they called, any background noise you hear, description of their voice/age and ask as many questions as possible to keep them on the line (Where is the bomb located? What type of bomb? What does it look like? When will the bomb go off? Why did you place a bomb? What is your name?
Where is the AED located?
Who has the authority to administer the AED to an individual who is experiencing cardiac arrest?
Downstairs in the basement to the right of the stairs outside the shelter entrance.
Anyone, including bystanders can use the AED acting in good faith. You do not have to be trained or certified to use it.
Which lockdown occurs when there is a potential imminent threat or dangerous situation inside or near the SOS building?
Orange/Level 2 Lockdown.
Pull all blinds & lock exterior doors (if safe to do so).
Call 911.
Be on alert for announcements from SOS ED or Directors. Can continue work as necessary if safe to do so.
Where do you go if there is a tornado warning?
In the basement wellness room area. RP's can enter the shelter if Helpline staff are notified ahead of time and approve of the RP to enter the shelter. NR needs to stay with security in the wellness room area. Do NOT inform the NR where the shelter is.
What is the name of the Security company that SOS uses for the cameras, monitors and security system?
Kansas Security- Contact info is in the CVEC cell phone and on the business card attached to the CVEC Staff Contact Information list in Tara's office and Security office on the bulletin board.
In the Security office in the bottom drawer on TOP of the security desk. Please hand the unopened envelope to the response team and do not open unless absolutely necessary.
What do you use the Narcan Nasal Spray for?
To reverse the life-threatening effects of a known or suspected opiate overdose in adults or children. (Oxycontin, fentanyl, methadone, Vicodin, heroin).
Narcan will NOT work on overdose from cocaine, alcohol, benzos, or any other non-opioid drugs.
If you observe a suspicious individual near the SOS building during services, what should you do?
1. You can call the shelter extension and as Helpline staff if they are familiar with this person.
2. If they aren't doing anything malicious or bothering anyone, then just keep aware of them.
3. If they appear to potentially be dangerous, you can call non-emergency EPD and report a suspicious person. Please do not do this until you've checked w/ Helpline/shelter staff first and that they are aware of the situation and you are calling non-emergency dispatch. Security can lock the outside entry doors if needed and let the clients in manually if needed.
What is the name of the App that SOS uses to alert all SOS staff in the event of a potential emergent matter or emergency?
Group Me
What safety devices does the CVEC use during services?
Secure building/locked entry, Metal detector wand, indoor/outdoor cameras, PBT
Where should the Supervisors be sitting when they are supervising a visit?
By the doorway (whether inside or outside).
It is best practice to leave the door open or cracked open unless you need to have the door shut for either confidentiality or keep children from trying to leave the room.
How many 1st Aid kids does the CVEC have and where are they located at?
2- One on the bookshelf in the Security Office and one in the hallway on the wall hanging to the right of the water fountain.
Small gel ice packs are located in the mini fridges in the top freezer area.
Where are the lockdown protocols and emergency management protocols supposed to be located at?
In EVERY office in the SOS building on the wall where they can be easily visible.
What is the first thing you will do if you see fire or smoke inside the building?
Activate the nearest fire pull station, then evacuate and call 911
Why are CVEC Security Officers required to write down the vehicle information and tag info of the NR's vehicle? And for the RP?
NR- In case of a child abduction or crime committed during services and for Security to be aware of the client arriving/leaving the Center.
RP- So security can be aware of the RP arriving/leaving the CVEC and where they are parked for safety reasons.
How long does it take for the panic button to be activated? And what happens when the button is activated?
Approximately 2 seconds
Lyon County Emergency Communications (dispatch) receives a notification that a panic button has been sounded from SOS, Inc. and what room the panic button is assigned to. Dispatch then alerts law enforcement to respond to SOS immediately. Dispatch may then call the SOS emergency contact #'s if necessary for more info.
When do you fill out an "Incident Report"?
Anytime there is a potential injury or injury to a child or client. Forms are located in a folder titled "INCIDENT REPORT FORMS FOR CLIENTS/STAFF." Please notify the RP of any potential injuries or injuries to a child and document what was stated to the RP. Please attached the form to the observation log and leave a note.
What is Level 3 (Red) Lockdown?
RUN, HIDE, FIGHT- Active intruder, gunshots heard in or near the building, active bomb threat.
What should you have with you close by in visual or hearing distance while services are taking place? (both Security and Supervisors)
Your cell phone- to communicate with the Security Officer or Supervisor via text or call.
What do you do if a NR client shows up and the other staff (Security or Supervisor) hasn't shown up yet?
Please do NOT let the NR client into the building. Please communicate with them that we cannot let them inside yet and call the staff that hasn't shown up yet to see if they are on their way. If you can't reach them, please call the on-call staff. Please also let the RP know right away to prevent them from showing up and entering the building where the NR may be visible or have direct access to them.
If SOS is on lockdown level 3 and you are hiding in a locked room, and someone knocks on the door identifying themselves as someone's name you know or law enforcement, what do you do?
Do NOT respond or allow them into the room. The active killer could be pretending to be law enforcement or someone else just to get you to answer them or open the door.
What determines a client to be considered "High-Risk"?
A CVEC client who has a violent history or significant criminal history, high scoring lethality assessment of the victim information given to the CVEC Director or staff that causes concern that the offender could cause harm. Please review "RED FLAGS" prior to every visit.
On which lockdown level will staff resume work as normal with no restrictions on movement?
GREEN/Offender alerts.
Please still be aware of your surroundings for the suspected offender. Offender alerts are printed and placed in the security file and on Tara's desk until the threat is lifted.
If there is a fire or other emergent situation where evacuation is necessary, where does everyone evacuate to?
C of E Park
However, there may be some situations where gathering at C of E Park may not be the safest option and you should evacuate as far away from the building until you reached safety. (i.e. active killer/threat, bomb threat).
What are the steps you should take if someone you do not recognize rings the doorbell for entry?
1. Ask their name and who they are here to see.
2. Confirm w/ staff the request for entry.
3. Approve or deny entry.
If they are needing to speak to an advocate and no advocates are available to assist, ask them to call the 24hr SOS #. Please make sure they are in a safe position to leave if they are denied entry. Use good judgement before letting someone in and be courteous and helpful as they are likely seeking help and may not know where to start.