Context Clues
Social Studies

The car collector bought the vintage Ford Mustang.

What does vintage mean?

a. rose colored

b. broken down

c. real

d. classic

d. classic


Why did the colonists dump tea in Boston Harbor?

Because of the imported tea tax.


What does the word hypothesis mean?

An educated guess






The CEO insisted on an amendment be made to the current contract.

What does amendment mean?

a. discussion

b. consumer

c.  change

d.  steady



C. propagandistic


What is photosynthesis? 

1.  The process of developing pictures

2.  when plants convert sunlight into energy

2.  when plants convert sunlight into energy.


Put in Scientific Notation 36,000,000

3.6 x 107


The slovenly boy never cleaned his room or washed his hands.

What does slovenly mean?

a. proud

b. sloppy

c. careful

d. little

b. sloppy


 What are the 3 branches of government?





Scientists found that ponds near farms had a higher amount of phosphates (bad stuff) in them that caused harmful algae to grow.  They hypothesized that run off from the farm fields (fertilizer etc.) caused the increase in phosphates in the ponds.

What is the cause and effect relationship?

Because run off from farms went into ponds harmful phosphates (bad stuff) grew in the ponds



3x + 2x2 - 16 + 3x2 -9

5x2+3x -25


When the island became a sovereign nation, its citizens made their own laws.

What does sovereign mean?

a.  calamity

b. propaganda

c.  facts

d. authority

d.  authority


At the outset of the Revolutionary War, the American colonies had a small navy of only 31 ships. To contest the far superior number of vessels in the British fleet, the colonies employed privateers, independent ships authorized to harass and capture enemy merchant and cargo ships. Armed with more than 14,000 guns, American privateers captured well over 2,000 enemy ships. These figures demonstrate how difficult it would have been, without the aid of privateers, for the colonies to win their independence against a larger, better equipped British Navy.

▶ What is the topic of this passage?

(1) the importance of colonial privateers to winning the Revolutionary War

(2) the fact that American privateers captured well over 2,000 enemy ships

the importance of colonial privateers to winning the Revolutionary War (1)


Calculate the mean (arithmetic average) number of tornadoes that struck the Goodland area per year in the years 2002 through 2005


To find the mean of a set of quantities, sum the quantities and divide by the number of items in the set. The list from 2002 to 2005 is 12, 22, 16, and 18. The sum of those numbers is 68. Divide by the number of items in the list (4), and the result is 17.


What is the slope and y intercept?


slope -4

y intercept -6


Voters should listen to facts and not to the propaganda distributed by the news.

What does propaganda mean?

a.  factual information

b.  nonfactual information

c. confusing

d.  inappropriate

b. nonfactual information


 The prices of goods and services are determined by the relationship between supply and demand. When supply exceeds demand, sellers must lower prices to stimulate sales; on the other hand, when demand exceeds supply, consumers bid up prices as they compete to purchase items or services that they desire. ▶ Based on the theory of supply and demand, under which of the following scenarios would prices be most likely to rise? 

(1) The demand for a product exceeds that product’s supply. 

(2) Producers and sellers advertise a product in order to stimulate demand for that product.  

1 The demand for a product exceeds that product's supply


2. Luke is conducting a survey to determine how effective his high school’s ban on vending machines has been in reducing the amount of junk food students eat. The survey asks students how much junk food they used to eat and how much they eat now. Luke sends the survey to the members of his soccer team, many of whom used to get a snack from the vending machines after practice. If half of the team members respond to the survey, will Luke have reliable data? Why or why not? 

A. no, because Luke did not survey the team members before the vending machines were removed 

B. no, because the survey is not a random sample of the relevant population 

C. yes, because at least some of the survey respondents used the vending machines

 D. yes, because the soccer team members likely come from a variety o

B.  not a random sample of relevant population


Use the point slope form 

y-y1 =m(x-x1)

to find the equation of the line that passes through (2,1) m=3


