Context Clues
Making Inferences

The original Pilgrims called themselves the “Saints” and referred to others who joined with them for the voyage as the “Strangers.”

In this context, “original” means ________.

a. one-of-a-kind

b. the first

c. musical

d. humerous

b. the first


What is the meaning of the word absolve as used in the sentence?

Ignorance does not absolve you from the rule of law you know.

a. dissolve

b. to hold onto 

c. to forgive or pardon

d. to disclose information

c. to forgive or pardon


What can you determine about Phoebe?

Phoebe was nervous about what her sister would say when she got home from work. They had an argument before she left, and she didn't want to pick up where it left off. 

a. Phoebe's sister got in a fake fight with her to get her birthday surprise party in order.

b. Phoebe didn't want to go home because she was nervous about the backlash of the argument she had with her sister that morning. 

c. Phoebe urgently wanted to go home, so she could make up with her sister. 

d. The fight between Phoebe and her sister was over before she even left, but Phoebe was nervous to get home because she was scared her sister would still be mad.

b. Phoebe didn't want to go home because she was nervous about the backlash of the argument she had with her sister that morning.


Determine the theme of the following sentence. 

“I couldn't wait to go to the carnival, smell the hot dogs, taste the cotton candy, and feel the exhilaration of riding the Ferris Wheel!”

a. irritated

b. sarcastic

c. excited

d. melancholy

c. excited


Using context clues, determine the meaning of the italicized word as used in the sentence.

When the wolf howls, the shy girl quails in the corner. 

A. talks

B. screeches or screams

C. tries to figure out a solution        

D. hides

D. hides


What is the meaning go the word intrinsic as used in the sentence? 

Access to the arts is intrinsic to a high quality of life. She believes in the intrinsic superiority of home-cooked food

a. unnecessary

b. something that is special; unique

c. interesting or highly wanted

d. belonging naturally; essential.

d. belonging naturally; essential.


She was gregarious, found always at one party or another around town surrounded by laughing people. Her door was always open.

What can you determine about the character above?

a. She is shy and does not want to be there. 

b. She forgot to close her door, and people threw a party at her house.

c. She is very social.

d. She does not have many friends, and she is antisocial. 

c. She is very social.


Which of the following sentences contains a metaphor

a. Alessia's smile was as pretty as a picture. 

b. The sky looked like a daydream, and Tyrone could not tell if he was sleeping or not. 

c. Ella did not like going into her older brother's room. It was like a dump. 

d. Vera's eyes were icy as she stared down her mother. 

d. Vera's eyes were icy as she stared down her mother.


After reading the word frantically, what tone does the sentence have?

She frantically searched the room for the killer, who she knew was hidden somewhere in the darkness. Moving blindly through the space, she wondered whether she would find him and stop him before it was too late and he moved on to his next victim.

a. happy

b. angry

c. tense

d. pessimistic

c. tense


What is the meaning of the word acquiesce as used in the sentence? 

Jerome seemed to acquiesce in the decision. He has gradually acquiesced to the demands of the opposition.

a. disagree

b. oppose

c. hinder

d. agree

d. agree


Ezra's hands began to shake, and he fidgeted as all the people bumped into him and passed him. He let out a shaking breath and decided to go back inside. 

What can you determine about Ezra after reading the following passage?

a. Ezra is cold because of the temperature outside.

b. Ezra does not like being around people that much because it makes him nervous. 

c. Ezra saw a friend when he left his house which upset him, and he wanted to go home. 

b. Ezra does not like being around people that much because it makes him nervous.


Read the following poem, and determine the tone. 

I’m Nobody! Who are you?
Are you – Nobody – too?
Then there’s a pair of us!
Don't tell! they'd advertise – you know!

How dreary – to be – Somebody!
How public – like a Frog –
To tell one’s name – the livelong June –
To an admiring Bog!

a. Ironic Cheerfulness

b. Angry and Vicious

c. Sad and Downtrodden 

d. Nostalgic 

a. Ironic Cheerfulness


What is the meaning of vassalage as used in the sentence?

I was a discord in Gateshead Hall: I was like nobody there; I had nothing in harmony with Mrs. Reed or her children, or her chosen vassalage. If they did not love me, in fact, as little did I love them.

a. principal

b. family

c. strangers

d. servants

d. servants


What is the meaning of the word epitome as used in the sentence below? 

He was the epitome of cool; but, sadly, he dropped the mannerisms. Bianca was the epitome of adorable, her dark eyes sparkling and warm, and her sweet glow innocent and fresh.

a. encourage; give strength

b. very easy

c. representative of an entire group; summary

d. ambiguous, open to two interpretations

c. representative of an entire group; summary


Dad and Anna were finishing up a project in the garage together. "Can we paint the roof red?" asked Anna. "Sure," said Dad. "Then when the paint dries we can find a place to hang it in the backyard." 

What do you think Dad and Anna are making? Why do you think so?

a birdhouse


Using context clues, what is the meaning of the word complacently?

Mrs. Reed would have endured my presence more complacently; her children would have entertained for me more of the cordiality of fellow-feeling; the servants would have been less prone to make me the scapegoat of the nursery. 

a. easily

b. angrily

c. urgently

d. anxiously 

a. easily


What does the use of the word apathetically suggest in the context?

Emma apathetically stared at John as he talked about the weather. She was not really sure what he was on about. 

a. listening with full attention

b. annoyed

c. showing emotion and engagement on a topic

d. showing little or no feeling or interest

d. showing little or no feeling or interest


What is the meaning of the word austere as used in the sentence? 

Discipline will be strict, meals will be austere and she will be allowed to write to her family only once a week.

a. gentle or delicate

b. severe or strict

c. caring

d. angry

b. severe or strict


“These violent delights have violent ends..."

After reading the quote from Romeo and Juliet, make an inference as to what Shakespeare is saying. 

It is a statement meant to caution. These impulsive decisions that you make in the moment will have grave consequences. Things that are good in the moment will be bad later on. 


Use the sentences below to determine the meaning of disseminate

  • That's our job, is to disseminate information to the public."

  • Researchers held meetings to disseminate their findings.

a. responsible for something

b. honesty; morality

c. having to do with the law, allowed by law

d. to scatter, spread, or broadcast

d. to scatter, spread or broadcast