Cape Town, South Africa
San Diego, California
How is forward osmosis more sustainable than reverse osmosis?
It uses the natural energy of osmotic pressure, requiring less energy than reverse osmosis
Waste brine
What is day zero?
The day when officials warn that water will run out
What is the name of the plant?
Poseidon Water
Briny, chemical laced wastewater
How can sodium hydroxide be used in desalination plants?
To pretreat seawater going into the desal plant
What year was day zero originally projected?
Which nation relies on desalination for 70% of its water needs?
Saudi Arabia
How much brinier is wastewater from desalination than we initially thought?
How many litres of freshwater are produced per day globally from desalination?
100 billion litres
By what percentage did Cape Town reduce its water consumption?
Can desalination ALONE solve water insecurity? Explain.
No, desal must be paired with intelligent water conservation systems and investments in water conservation
How is the innovation of converting waste brine to chemicals beneficial?
Enhances economic viability AND/OR Diminishes environmental impact
Citizens collect dirty water to be reused in
Toilets and gardens
What is the primary criticism of desalination?
To be effective, desalination must be accompanied by what?
Strong consistant standards and enforcement in plant development
What is the biggest challenge to the development and implementation of converting waste brine?
Electricity and equipment cost