Training Principles
Needs Analysis - Testing Evaluation
Overtraining and Recovery
Resistance Training Modalities
Potentiation and Flexibility

Performing exercises that mimic the movements that occur in sport is an example of what training principle?

A. Reversibility

B. Variability

C. Specificity

D. Overload

C. Specificity


Comparing the score of judges would be assessing what type of reliability?

A. Intra-rater reliability

B. Inter-rater reliability

C. Intrasubject reliability

D. None of the above

B.Inter-rater reliability


True/False: A functional overreach has a longer period of performance decrements compared to a non-functional overreach



How many spotters should you use to spot the power clean exercise?





0... never spot!


True/False: Static stretching should be performed primarily prior to resistance training sessions.



If a person no longer sees improvement with their training, what is this called?

Plateau/diminishing returns


Which of the following is NOT a part of the physiological analysis component of a needs analysis?

A. Identifying the energy system demands of the sport/position

B. Identifying physical qualities that are important in the sport

C. Identifying the time motion analysis characteristics

D. Common contact injuries

D. Common contact injuries


What is the appropriate recommendation for carbohydrate intake for a high load training day?

A. 1.6-2.2 g/kg

B. 2.4-3.4 g/kg

C. 6-10 g/kg

D. 1200 kcals

C. 6-10 g/kg


True/False: Performing a back squat with a barbell and a Smith machine will likely have the same movement pattern.



The stretch reflex is when what mechanoreceptor becomes activated?

Muscle spindles


Which physical quality has the shortest training residual/fastest rate of decay?

A. Oxidative Energy System

B. Glycolytic Energy System

C. Repeat Power

D. Speed

D. Speed


Comparing the results for body composition from using DXA to the results of skinfolds would be assessing which type of validity?

Convergent validity


Which of the following are considered internal training load measurements? Select all that apply.

A. Rating of perceived exertion during a soccer practice

B. Heart rate training impulse during a run

C. Total distance covered during a run

D. Average speed of a cycling workout



Which type of grip is commonly used during a clean?

A. Supinated grip

B. Alternate grip

C. Hook grip

D. Underhand grip

C. Hook grip


True/False: Ballistic stretching can help heal injuries by increasing tissue length



Provide an example of how you can vary exercise volume for this scenario:

Person is bench pressing 200 lbs for 3 sets of 6 repetitions.

Increase sets or increase repetitions


Which of the following would be considered a field based assessment of maximal aerobic capacity?

A. Bruce Treadmill Protocol

B. Ramp Treadmill Protocol

C. Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test

D. 30 second Wingate Test

C. Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test


Which of the following measurements would be best utilized to quantify fatigue?

A. Maximum Strength

B. Rate of force development

C. Aerobic Capacity

D. Body Fat percentage

B. Rate of force development


Which of the following would be a way to increase the intensity of a body weight exercise? Select all that apply.

A. Place your feet on a bench when doing a push up

B. Place your hands on a bench when doing a push up

C. Perform a single leg lunge at a faster tempo

D. Do a single leg squat compared to a body weight squat



Provide an example of an exercise that can be used to potentiate a countermovement jump.

Back Squat, Trapbar deadlift, Hack squat machine


What is the recommended percentage increase in training load on a weekly basis? Do not provide a range. 

Any number between 5-10% is correct. The correct answer is no greater than 10% each week.


What type of assessment would be a valid assessment for assessing power output in a professional golfer?

A. Bench Press Throw

B. Rotational Medicine Ball Throw

C. Overhead Seated Medicine Ball Throw

D. 1RM Power Clean

B. Rotational Medicine Ball Throw


List 4 recommendations that have been discussed to enhance sleep quality and sleep duration.

1.No screentime 30-60 minutes before bed

2.No caffeine 5 hours prior to bed

3.Dark room

4.Room temperature between 68-72 degrees

5.Avoid vigorous exercise 3 hours before bed

6.Avoid late afternoon naps


An example of variable resistance would be which of the following?

A. Performing a back squat with a barbell

B. Using an isokinetic machine with a constant torque

C. Using resistance bands when performing a bench press

D. none of the above



List the four proposed mechanisms for post-activation potentiation.

Increased myosin light chain (MLC) phosphorylation 

Increased motor unit recruitment

Changes in pennation angle of the muscle’s used

Increased muscle stiffness