Airspeed, best place to land, checklist, declare an emergency, ELT and emergency landing
Total drag created by design or shape of airplane parts. Increases with airspeed
Parasite drag
Basic force that opposes drag. We should add 50% of ___ factor to our speed on final.
Thrust and Gust
Assuming 10 gallons used per hour, per 91.151, this amount of additional fuel is required during the daytime.
30 minutes - 5 gallons
We have these types of flaps
Slotted, manual flaps, spring loaded to zero degrees, settings 0, 10, 25, 40
The Air Data Computer gives us these instruments that would otherwise be found in a six pack
Altimeter, Airspeed (ASI), Vertical Speed (VSI)
Navigating by reference to visible landmarks
Our Vg tells us this, especially useful while we use this common risk management model.
Best Glide and Decide
Distance traveled in 15 minutes traveling at 100 knots
25 nm
The range of our ailerons' movement.
12.5 degrees down, 25 up
When extending your downwind, this is when you configure to land/ complete before landing checklist.
Abeam touchdown point
The initial tendency to return to a state of equilibrium when disturbed from that state
Positive static stability
Call these people on 118.1 when you're holding short of the runway. This is the second step in our power-off stall recovery.
Tower and max power.
16 Gallons. 100/6
Transmits a signal on 121.5 automatically upon the impact of a crash
Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT)
This happens to the engine during an electrical failure.
The ratio of lift generated over weight. Expressed in Gs.
Load factor
This protects our electrical system from high electrical loads. PFD/MFD stand for this.
Overvoltage Relay + Primary flight display/ multi-function display
Winds on the METAR report 30012KT. Runway 6/24 is the runway available. Which runway would you use?
We check all nine (9) of these during preflight inspection. They discharge electricity.
Static Wicks
Airplane/Single-Engine Land/PA-28-181
A visual ground based structure to provide traffic pattern information. The windsock can be placed inside this.
Segmented circle
The acronym CFR (as in 14CFR) stands for this. In the back of the FAR/AIM is this manual.
Code of Federal Regulations + Aeronautical Information Manual
Burning 9.5 gallons per hour, the amount of fuel burned on a 4 hour flight.
38 Gallons
Antennas on the top of the vertical stabilizer (tail). The ones that make a V shape.