How many food groups are there.
What is 6?
What do Carbohydrates do for us
What is give us energy?
What does Vitaminss contain
What is Fruits and Vegetables?
What does Minerals do for us
What is make our teeth, bones and blood healthy?
What are examples of Protein
What is Meat, Fish, Eggs, Beans and Lentils?
How many types of foods are there.
What is 3?
Examples of Carbohydrates.
What is rice, bread, cereal, potatoes and pasta?
What does Fats do for us.
What is give us extra energy?
Examples of Minerals.
What is bananas, spinach and milk
Is Protein healthy or junky.
What is Both?
What is the main thing that go foods do for us
What is give us energy?
What is the other word for Carbohydrates
What is Grains?
Examples of Fats.
What is butter, oils, cheese and nuts?
Everything we drink uses ______
What is Water?
What does Protein do for us.
What is repair our muscles and make our bones strong?
What is Water?
Is rice ok to eat everyday
What is Yes
Examples of Vitaminss
What is Apples, Orange, Bananas and Carrots
What are the three things that Minerals contain.
What is Calcium, Potassium and Iron?
What is the food group that contains fruits and vegetables.
What is Vitaminss?
Is Carbohydrates good for a diet.
What is Yes?