Film Elements
Poetic Forms and features
How well do you know Miss Savetta
Email Etiquette
Risk It: Just for fun

What is resilience?

The ability to keep moving forward and recover quickly after setbacks. 

Also accepted: Get back up / Trying again / Keep going / Being Positive after something bad / Being strong and Persistent


What are the 5 elements of film?

Narrative, cinematography, sound, editing and mise en scene


What is a poetic feature?

Language features used to create imagery


What is my first name



What is an email

A message sent through the internet.


50/50 chance at wining. Reveal response to find out.

Winner, Winner Chicken Dinner.

Add 100 points team!


Can resilience be taught?

Yes, it can!


What are the three components of sound in film?

Sound effects, dialogue and music


 What are poetic forms?

The structure of the poem


how many kids do I have? double points for the gender

1 girl

What is the body of an email?

The main message/part


Keep or Pass? No question for this one, just a chance to win or potentially lose 200 points. Do you take the risk or pass this to another team and let them risk it all? (Once passed to a team the chosen team CANNOT pass to another team)

LOSE 200 points... sorry :(


What is Physical Resilience?

Physical Resilience refers to our body’s ability to face physical challenges, maintain stamina, and recover quickly.


What 3 things does the narrative include?

What the movie is, the characters and the world


 Examples of poetic features (4 to get the points)

Similes, metaphor, repetition, imagery,  onomatopoeia alliteration, symbolism, rhyme, allusion, emotive language, hyperbole.


How many days a week am I at RHHS and what days are they?

3, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday


When writing the body, what must be checked before sending? (3 things)

Spelling, punctuation, grammar


Name all the NRL teams in this year's season in two minutes or pass it to another team. 

If the team wins: double points, If they lose: lose 300 points

(Hint: there are 17 in total)

 Storm / Sharks / Panthers / Dolphins / Broncos / Raiders / Sea Eagles /  Roosters / Bulldogs / Cowboys / Knights / Dragons / Warriors / Titans / Eels / Tigers / Rabbitohs 


What are some pressures women face in a social environment?

Be feminine / Wanting kids / Know how to cook / Family over career / Wear makeup / Always look nice / Perfect Skin / Slim Waist / No stretch marks / Always act like a lady / Always polite / Perfect hair / Do the housework

At least 3 to win. 

Not limited to this list: Teachers Judgement.


What are some examples of Mise en Scene?

The sets, locations, props, costumes, hair and make-up, scenic design, lights, shadows.

3 or more for the points


What are poetic features used for?

To draw attention to a particular part of the poem


How many dogs do I have?


What is the subject?

The headline or title of the email.


Scissors, Paper, Rock with a member from another team (first to 1 point).

Choose an opponent, play, and click on it to see what happens.

If you won, add 400 points. 

If you lost, take away 400 points.


What is Social Resilience?

Social resilience refers to the ability to cope with everyday social challenges


What do film elements do?

Make the audience think or feel the way the director wants them to


How are poems measured?

Through their use of lines, rhyme, and rhythm. 

(2 to get the points)


what colour is my car?

Grey with a black top 

(but will accept grey)


What is the difference between the sign-off and the signature?

The sign-off is the ending of the email, the signature is your name or company name/logo


Keep or Pass? No question for this one, just a chance to win or potentially lose 500 points. Do you take the risk or pass this on to another team and have them risk it all? (Once passed to a team the chosen team CANNOT pass to another team)

Lose 500 points. OUCH that's got to hurt.


The capacity to make ___________ plans and take steps to carry them out is a way of building resilience.

1. Ambitious             2. Realistic

3. Easy                    4. Wishful



What is the editor's job in film?

The editor is responsible for piecing all the scenes and camera angles together.


List some examples of poetic forms? 

haiku, ballad, limericks, free verse, sonnets, villanelle, acrostic, lyrics,

(3 to get the points)


What high school did I go to?



What is the recipient?

The person who receives the email.


Keep or Pass to another team? No question for this one, just a chance to win or potentially lose 600 points. Do you take the risk or pass this on to another team and have them risk it all? (Once passed to a team the chosen team CAN NOT pass to another team)

YOU WIN! Add 600 points


What are the 7 C's of resilience?

Confidence, Connections, Control, Competence, Contribution, Coping and Character.


What are the 3 elements to cinematography and their definitions.

Colour- What colour is used to evoke specific emotions. 

Frame- The way the elements are arranged in the frame.

Tone- How it makes the audience feel OR the genre of the film


What poetic features are used in this poem? name 4 to get the points

Imagery, personification, metaphor, symbolism


What year should I have graduated Y12?



What is your school email from the @?


In 2 minutes or less, name everyone in your class (first name is fine). Don't forget about students that are absent or on holidays. 

Grab a pen and paper and wait for your teachers instructions to start.

Name them all and you get DOUBLE points but if you miss even one, you lose 300 points.