What is the largest common bee?
A aggressive winged insect with a narrow waist and stinger
What is a wasp?
Queen, solider, worker, male
What are the four types of ants?
honey I shrank the kids: how did Wayne shrink the kids?
shrunk them by shrink ray.
army ant home
no home wanderers for their own life
What do bees create?
paper wasps, yellow jackets and hornets
the three main types of social wasps
An small Omnivorous insect that lives in a complex social colony
What is an ant?
The ant bully description
what is the 2006 movie about a boy who was bullied and takes his frustrations out on a ant colony
What is milk aphids
Egg, larva, pupa, and adult
what are the 4 stages of metamorphosis for insects?
winter survival
every wasps besides young queen dies
ant homes
what is small mounds of soil with a hole in the center
a bugs life protagonist
ant strength
What is 50 times their body weight
honeybee stinger
barbed with only one use
wasps paralyze there prey to feed to larva
soldier ant duties
protecting the queen
the bee movie rating
Queen bee egg count
what is 876,000 eggs generally
honey bee egg size
small as a period
Potter wasp
What wasp makes a nest in the shape of a urn?
cornfield ant feeding practice
ant man release date
queen age
what is 30 years