A person who used his influence with the government to try to help the Jews.
Originally had a very positive attitude toward the jews until he saw that they would not join him and his religion...
Martin Luther.
Expulsion from England
In this classic video game, a yellow dot wonders through a maze eating smaller dots while trying to stay away from ghosts.
A series of massacres led by a knight called ________ based upon a charge of desecration of the host (Yashka). In all 146 communities in Germany were destroyed. :(
Rendfleisch Massacres.
This Sefer, written by R' Menashe Ben Israel, discusses messianic ideas.
Mikvey Yisroel.
Believed that the Indians were the 10 lost tribes and tried to bring Jews back everywhere.
R' Menasseh Ben Israel.
Expulsion from France.
She was the first Disney princess
Snow White
Famous 1500 German shtadlan.
Rabbi Joselman of Rosheim
a philosophical and ethical stance that emphasizes the potential of humans and their ability to lead fulfilling lives.
She used her tremendous wealth to help Jews escape from Portugal. She kept her Judaism hidden until it was discovered and she was arrested.
Expulsion from Spain.
He played Jack in the 1997 movie Titanic
Leonardo Di Caprio
A German priest who broke away from the Catholic Church and began a new branch of Christianity called Protestantism.
Martin Luther
Saved his aunt with his influence.
Yoseph Nasi.
Protestant Reformation.
The title character of this book was cursed to always do as she was told
Ella Enchanted
A 1600 famous Amsterdam Rav born a Marrano in Portugal and settled in Amsterdam. Because of a bunch of bad events, he believed that it was time for Moshiach to come. He unofficially got Marrano to come to _________.
R' Menasseh ben Israel.
Advisor to the prince of Turkey. he tried to make this place a refuge for Jews to go, even providing boats to arrive there and planting mulberry trees for them to grow silk. Unfortunately it did not work.
a) Slovakia b)Kovno c) Tiberias
Yoseph Nasi
c) Tiberias
This is the name of the NFL championship game