ABG Ninja

What is the primary problem? What is the level of compensation? What is the compensation?

pH - 7.28 (7.35-7.45)

pCO2 - 19 mmHg (35-45)

HCO3 - 9 mEq/L (22-26)

Metabolic Acidosis (pH low, HCO3 also low)

Partial Compensation (pH still abnormal, pCO2 abnormal)

Respiratory Alkalosis (abnormal low pCO2)


What is the general mechanism that results in respiratory acidosis?

Hypoventilation (decreased breathing results in increased pCO2)


What lab values do we look at to detect/evaluate an acid-base disorder?

Serum: pH, Na, K, Cl, HCO3/CO2 

ABG: pH, pCO2, HCO3 (again)


What is the body's primary buffer for acid/base changes?

The bi-carbonate (HCO3-)/carbonic acid (H2CO3) buffer system.


What is the primary problem? What is the level of compensation? What is the compensation?

pH - 7.24 (7.35-7.45)

pCO2 - 16 mmHg (35-45)

HCO3 - 7 mEq/L (22-26)

Metabolic Acidosis (pH low, HCO3 also low)

Partial Compensation (pH still abnormal, pCO2 abnormal)

Respiratory Alkalosis (abnormal low pCO2)


What causes chloride responsive metabolic alkalosis? What about chloride resistant?

Loss of chloride in urine or GI tract.

Retention of bicarbonate/shift of H+ from serum to cells.


How do you calculate anion gap? What is the normal range?

(Na + K) - (CL + HCO3). 16 +/- 4.


What is Winter's Equation? Why do we need to know this?

pCO2 = [(HCO3 * 1.5) + 8] +/- 2

Indicates if the respiratory compensation is adequate for the patient's metabolic acidosis.


What is the primary problem? What is the level of compensation? What is the compensation?

pH - 7.38 (7.35-7.45)

pCO2 - 30 mmHg (35-45)

HCO3 - 17 mEq/L (22-26)

Metabolic Acidosis (pH lower end, HCO3 also low)

Full Compensation (pH normal)

Respiratory Alkalosis (abnormal low pCO2)


Aside from hyperventilation, what can cause respiratory alkalosis? (very general)

Hypometabolic state (coma; low production of CO2)

What is ROME/SMOR? How can you use it to determine metabolic/respiratory acidosis/alkalosis?

Respiratory = Opposite (pH/pCO2), Metabolic = Equal (pH/HCO3-)

Same (direction pH/HCO3-) = Metabolic, Opposite (direction pH/pCO2) = Respiratory


What is the specific name of the compensatory mechanism for Diabetic Ketoacidosis?

Kussmaul Breathing


What is the primary problem? What is the level of compensation? What is the compensation?

pH - 7.3 (7.35-7.45)

pCO2 - 45 mmHg (35-45)

HCO3 - 21 mEq/L (22-26)

Metabolic Acidosis (pH low, HCO3 also low)

No Compensation (pH low, pCO2 normal)

No Compensatory Mechanism (pCO2 normal)


You think you know high anion gap metabolic acidosis? Name all of (CAT) MUDPILES.

Carbon Monoxide/Cyanide, Aminoglycosides, Toluene/Theophylline, Methanol, Uricemia, Diabetic Ketoacidosis, Propylene Glycol, Iron/Isoniazid, Lactic Acidosis, Ethanol/Ethylene Glycol, Salicylates


How can you tell if there is no/partial/full compensation of an acid/base disorder?

No compensation: pH outside of normal, one abnormal pCO2/HCO3- value

Partial compensation: pH outside of normal, both abnormal pCO2/HCO3- values

Full compensation: pH within normal, both abnormal pCO2/HCO3- values


What is the name of my cat?

Rico :3