What does multidisciplinary means?
participation of professionals of different health disciplines (medical, psychology, nutrition, nursery, etc.) to build a team of health-care of the patient.
What is cancer?
disease in which some of the body's cells grow uncontrollably and spread to other parts of the body
What is the role of a behavioral psychologist in the multidisciplinary management of metabolic syndrome?
-advising on dietary supplements
-addressing emotional and behavioral factors contribuiting to obesity
- conducting physical therapy sessions
-diagnosing cardiovascular conditions
-adressing emotional and behavioral factors contribuiting to obesity
What does patient safety means?
the reduction of unnecessary harm to a minimum acceptable level.
What is survivance related to cancer?
the percentage of people still alive after a particular amount of time (5 years)
Which of the following is NOT a common component of metabolic syndrome?
- Low HDL cholesterol
-Elevated blood pressure
-Central obesity
-Low LDL cholesterol
Low LDL cholesterol
What is Health care ethics?
is the application of the core principles of bioethics (autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, justice) to medical and health care decisions.
Mention the stages of cancer
Stage 0 or localized carcinoma or carcinoma in situ. It is considered precancerous. The abnormal cells are found only in the first layer of cells at the site where the changes originated. The cells do not invade deeper tissues. These cells can become cancer over time, so it is good to detect and treat them before that happens. Most cancers do not use this stage.
Stage I. The cancer is found only in the cells where it first appeared and the area is small. It is considered incipient and curable in most cases.
Stage II. The cancer is found in the organ where it first appeared. It may be slightly larger than in stage I or have spread to nearby lymph nodes.
Stage III. Cancer is found in the organ where it first appeared. It may be a little larger than in stage II and may have spread to nearby lymph nodes or to other nearby tissues, organs, or structures.
Stage IV. The cancer has spread to organs in other parts of the body (metastasized). There may be cancer in different organs, but it is still the same type of cancer as when it first appeared. For example, colon cancer that spreads to the liver is not liver cancer, but is stage IV colon cancer with metastasis to the liver. Liver cancer cells resemble cancer cells that affect the colon and are treated like colon cancer.
Which of the following is the most important initial step in the clinical management of metabolic syndrome?
-scheduling regular follow-up visits
-prescribing medication
-referring the patient to specialist
-conducting a comprehensive lifestyle assessment
-conducting a comprehensive lifestyle assessment
mention the 3 cancers With the highest incidence
Accorging to the international diabetes Federation (IDF) What is a required component for the diagnosis of metabolic syndrome?
-elevated diastolic blood pressure
- elevated fasting blood glucose
-increased Waist circumference
-elevated LDL cholesterol
-increased Waist circumference
Be a great detective
Be healthy, and learn to relax
Learn to listen
Find your passion
Treat the whole patient (not their illness)
Be empathetic
Pay attention to details
Practice resilience
Take responsibility for what you do
Cons it on doing well for the patients, the rest (as money) will come later.
What are the 3 syndromes that cancer patienst use to develop?
-fear of recurrence
Which of the following is a common pharmacoligical treatment for hypertension in patients with metabolic syndrome?
-ACE inhibitors
-beta blockers
-ACE inhibitors