Water Basics
Water in the Body
Minerals Basics
Sodium and Potassium

The body can survive this long without food or water.

What is a few (generally about 3) days?

Water helps to maintain body temperature by doing this.

What is carry heat to the capillaries of the skin to be released, maintaining core body temperature?


Major minerals are those we need to consume at least this much of on a daily basis.

What is 100 milligrams or more?


Sodium and potassium (as well as chloride and calcium) are referred to as this given they are ions that can conduct electricity.

What are electrolytes?


This electrolyte is often consumed in excess by Americans.

What is sodium?


Water is called this because it can dissolve more substances than almost any other liquid.

What is a universal solvent?

These are the 4 main routes of water excretion from the body.

What are urine (~1500 ml/d), skin (~600 ml/d), lungs (~350 ml/d), and feces (~100 ml/d)?


The mineral that exists in the largest amount in the human body is this.

What is calcium?

The AI for sodium is this in adults.

What is 1500mg?


Minerals that are needed in amounts lower than 100 milligrams per day--sodium, chloride, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and sulfur–are classified as this.

What are trace minerals?


The AI for water intake is this for females and this for males.

What is 12 cups and 16 cups, respectively?

Antidiuretic hormone comes from here and results in this.
What is the pituitary gland, and it results in the kidney reabsorbing more water, leading to greater blood volume and therefore increasing blood pressure?

This mineral is perhaps the most versatile of all major minerals because it is a major component of bones, teeth and cell membranes; it functions as a component of ATP; it is a key part of phospholipids; it acts as an acid–base buffer; and it is part of DNA and RNA.

What is phosphorus?


Female and male adults need this much potassium per day, respectively.

What is 2600 and 3400mg/d, respectively?


Spinach contains oxalates (and grains contain phytates), which can decrease absorption of this nutrient.

What is calcium?


Two-thirds of water in the body is found inside the cells, called this.

What is intracellular fluid?


This protein helps to maintain fluid balance by assisting with moving water from the interstitial space and into blood vessels.

What is albumin?


This vitamin can increase absorption of some minerals.

What is vitamin C?


This mechanism maintains electrolyte and fluid balance inside and outside of cells.

What is the sodium-potassium pump?


This mineral assists with pH balance in the blood.

What is chloride?


This condition occurs when too much water is consumed, causing excessive dilution of sodium in the blood.

What is hyponatremia?


This system signals the body to constrict blood vessels and reabsorb sodium in order to increase blood volume and therefore blood pressure.

What is the renin-angiotensin system?


Chronic deficiency of calcium and vitamin D combined can lead to increased risk for this deficiency disease.

What is osteoporosis?


This mineral is the major cation in extracellular fluid.

What is sodium?


This energy-bearing non-nutrient can cause both dehydration and increased risk for osteoporosis.

What is alcohol?