What does PMCS stand for?
What is Preventative Maintenance Checks and Service
What does FM 6-22 cover?
What is Army Leadership (Competent, Confident and Agile
What are some techniques leaders may use during the directive approach to counseling?
What is Corrective Training Commanding
What is the quickest way to splint a broken leg?
What is Tie the broken leg securely to the unbroken leg
What is meant by performance oriented training?
What is The soldiers learn best by hands on
What Army Regulation covers the Army Materiel Maintenance Policy?
What is AR 750-1
What are the three principal ways that leaders can develop others through which they provide knowledge and feedback?
What is Counseling Coaching Mentoring
What are the three major categories of developmental counseling?
What is Event counseling Performance counseling Professional growth counseling
Name 3 categories of heat injuries
What is Heat cramps Heat exhaustion Heat stroke
What are the three types of training plans?
What is Long-range Short-range Near-term
What does the Acronym MAIT stand for?
What is Maintenance Assistance and Instruction Team
A leader's effectiveness is dramatically enhanced by understanding and developing what areas?
What is Military Bearing Physical Fitness Confidence Resilience
What are the 4 stages of the Counseling Process?
What is Identify the need for counseling. Prepare for counseling. Conduct counseling. Follow up.
What is the object of first aid?
What is To stop bleeding Overcome shock Relieve pain Prevent infection
What are the codes used to rate task proficiency?
What is "T" = trained "P" = needs practice "U" = untrained
What is the DA Form 2407 used for?
What is To request support maintenance on a piece of equipment
What are the three core domains that shape the critical learning experiences throughout Soldiers' and leaders' careers?
What is Institutional training. Training, education, and job experience gained during operational assignments. Self-development.
A counseling session consists of what 4 basic components?
What is Opening the session. Discussing the issues. Developing the plan of action. Recording and closing the session.
What are some signs of a closed fracture?
What is Swelling. Discoloration. Deformity. Unusual body position. Check for pulse
What does the term METL stand for?
What is Mission Essential Task Lis
A thorough vehicle dispatch process is necessary as part of a quality maintenance program, to ensure equipment is operationally ready before being dispatched and to establish an audit trail on operators and equipment. Every leader should follow and check the dispatch procedures. The dispatch process is evaluated by getting answers what questions?
What is Is the dispatcher appointed on orders per DA Pam 738–750? Is an operator assigned to each vehicle and piece of equipment? Is the equipment mission capable in accordance with the appropriate TM –10 series manuals? Is a service or AOAP sample due on the equipment? Does the dispatcher inspect the operator’s OF 346? ULLS performs the above checks automatically. Is the equipment suitable for the mission for whom it is dispatched?
What are the three levels of leadership?
What is Direct - Direct leadership is face-to-face, first-line leadership. Organizational - Organizational leaders influence several hundred to several thousand people. They do this indirectly, generally through more levels of subordinates than do direct leaders. Strategic - Strategic leaders include military and DA civilian leaders at the major command through Department of Defense levels. Strategic leaders are responsible for large organizations and influence several thousand to hundreds of thousands of people.
What course of action should a supervisor take when a subordinate has been performing below his/her usual standards?
What is Counsel about substandard performance. Attempt to define the problem with the soldier. Afford opportunity and time to solve the problem. Make a written statement of counseling
What are some signs/symptoms of shock?
What is Clammy skin (cool, pale and damp) Restlessness and nervousness Thirst Loss of blood Confusion Fast breathing Nausea or vomiting Blotched or bluish skin (especially around the mouth and lips) Often perspires freely May pass out.
What are the five primary inputs to METL development?
What is Wartime operational plans. Enduring combat capabilities. Operational environment. Directed missions. External guidance.