Effective Communication
Managing Delays and Escalations
Title Process Responsibilities
Handling Escalations & Difficult Homeowners
Homeowner Expectations & Vendor Communication

Which Slack channel should Processors use to inform the team about upcoming OOO coverage for homeowner dockets?

Private Team Channel


A docket is at risk of missing the SLA due to unexpected delays. What should the Processor do?

Notify the manager.


Who is responsible for managing Title Grade 1 communication?

Account Managers


A homeowner reaches out confused about their title review process and whom to contact. What do you do?

Inform the homeowner that you are their point of contact and provide a clear status update and next steps.


A homeowner is frustrated because their title review was expected in 5 business days but has now taken 7. What should you do?

Acknowledge the delay, apologize, explain vendor backlog, and provide a new realistic timeline.


A homeowner's application has progressed; no further action is needed. What are the two best ways to communicate this?

Email and text


A Title Grade 3 docket is delayed, and the SLA has already passed, but the homeowner hasn’t reached out. What's next?

Call the homeowner, explain the delay, and provide an updated timeline.


What is the primary purpose of a Welcome Email for a homeowner with a Title Grade 2?

Introduce the homeowner to the process and outline curative items.


A homeowner calls upset because a lien has been found on their title, delaying their funding. What do you say?

Acknowledge feelings, explain it's not a denial, and explain the resolution.


A homeowner keeps repeating how badly they need the money and won’t let you end the call. What do you do?

Acknowledge their frustration, confirm you've shared all available information, and promise to reach out with any updates.


A homeowner is frustrated about needing to submit an additional document. What do you?

Call the homeowner to acknowledge frustration, explain why the document is required, and address questions in real-time.


What should you tell a homeowner when a title vendor experiences a backlog and causes a delay?

Apologize for the delay, explain, provide a new timeline, and reassure the homeowner. 


A homeowner is confused and frustrated after receiving two emails about curative items. How should you respond?

Call the homeowner immediately to address confusion, clarify the process, and acknowledge frustration.


A homeowner emails they are frustrated after being instructed to submit more documentation due to a title finding. What do you do?

Call the HO, respond with empathy, explain why the documents are required, and answer questions.


How should you prepare before you call a homeowner?

Review the homeowner's file, confirm recent details, and anticipate their possible questions or concerns before the call.


A homeowner with a Title Grade 3 docket missed a critical deadline. What next?

Call the homeowner 


A docket is scheduled to close in two days, but a last-minute lien is discovered. What should the Processor do?

Immediately notify the homeowner to explain the next steps and give a new timeline


A homeowner is frustrated because their AM told them the title review would take 3 business days, but it will take longer. What do you say?

Acknowledge the delay, apologize for the miscommunication, and explain the updated timeline and next steps.


A title report from a vendor contains vesting discrepancies compared to what the homeowner provided. What should you do?

Contact the vendor for clarification, request corrections if necessary, and keep the homeowner informed of the resolution timeline.


A Processor submits a title request and has access to past vesting issues and name variations in other internal documents. What is the best practice?

Include all relevant internal records with explanations to prevent unnecessary homeowner requests later.