1st amendment
4th amendment
constitutional convention
revolutionary war
north Carolina early colonization

the difference between pure speech and symbolic speech

pure speech- communication of ideas through spoken or written words (yelling bom in an airport)

symbolic speech- nonverbal, non-written forms of communication symbolizing something.


reasonable suspicion vs. probable cause

reasonable suspicion- good reason for an officer to think your doing something wrong

probably cause-good evidence to prove you're doing something wrong


Federalist Papers

A collection of 85 articles and essays written by Hamilton, Madison, and Jay to promote the ratification of the New Constitution


Boston Massacre

  • Mass shooting from British troops into a crowd in Boston. 5 died. England sent 1000 red coats to maintain order angering the colonists. On March 5, 1770, a crowd of colonists gathered and through snowballs with rocks, sticks, oysters, etc. inside of them. Fear and chaos ensued and the British fired. Called the Boston Massacare  because it is propaganda to get other colonists to agree with the people of Boston. 


 3 G’s for reasons of colonization. 

    God (spread christianity), Gold (get wealthy, cash crops), and Glory (fame)


the difference between the establishment of religion and the free-exercise clause

what is the establishment of religion- government can't favorite one religion over another and the Free exercise clause-ability to believe is unlimited 


courts ruling in terry v Ohio (stop and frisk/RS and PC)

what is YES 


3/5 Compromise

southern delegates wanted to count enslaved people when determining how many reps they could elect- northerners objected. Northern delegates wanted to count enslaved people when determining taxes- Southerners objected. For every 5 enslaved people they were counted as 3 free people for determining representation and taxes.


patriots vs loyalists

patriots were people who believed the British had become tyrants(strong in New England and Virginia) while loyalists were Americans who supported the British side in the conflict(Strong in Georgia, the Carolinas, and New York)


ralph lane

english exploror and sailor that was the leader of the Ralph Lane Colony on land


separation of Church and State- WALL

church refers to religion in general, while state refers to the government


 courts ruling in the Sibron v New York case?

what is NO


articles of confederation

written during the American revolution. First american constitution. Introduced in 1777. Ratified in 1781. Colonials experience with tyranny under George lll caused them to design a confederation of powerful states united by a weak national government


list and explain the four parts of the Declaration of Independence and explain four people or groups of people that the DOC was written to/for

The preamble-introduction, explaines why the continental congress made the declaration, saying that when a country becomes independent they would be able to state their reasons why they became independent.                                                The Declaration of Natural Rights- this states \ the equality of men and the famous quote- Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness. The Life part means people have the right to protect themselves against physical attack. The Liberty part means the people have the right to critisize the goverment and not have their freedoms taken away. The Pursuit of Happiness part means the people have the right to own property and defend it. This is the most important part of the Declaration taken from the British Philosopher John Locke.                        List of Grievences- states the specific abuses King George lll took upon the colonists, such as the laws he made the colonists follow. It also states the other unjust things the King did to them.  Formal Declaration of Independence- a formal resolution of Independence that wraps up the whole Declaration, stating their formal independence from Britain. ONE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

King George lll- the declaration was a ¨break up¨ letter written personally to King George and stating the specific abuses that led to the American´s decision to declare their independence  Colonists- written to colonists to help convince those who were ¨on the fence¨ to understand the political and economic benefits for becoming an independent nationb                People of England- written to ensure the common person of England that the Colonists were declaring their independence from an unpopular King. The colonists were not upset with the British people but a King was not even very popular with the English people.            


Subsistence Farming

  • growing just enough crops and/or livestock for your family to eat and be clothed. Usually didnt own slaves but some had few


idea of complete free speech 

 the right to articulate opinions and ideas without interference, retaliation or punishment from the government.


Exception to the Warrant Requirement

consent(permission), search pursuant to a lawful, exigent circumstance accompanied by probable cause (extreme or dangerous), hot pursuit (chase), stop and frisk


Proclamation of 1763

many colonists wanted to go west to get new lands which led to disputes between the colonists and the Natives. Draw a line from North to south along the Appalachian mountains and declared that colonists could not settle west of the line without British permission. This enraged farmers who wanted to access the land, the colonists ignored this.


list and explain the advantages, disadvantages, and strategies for the British AND the Americans

The advantages of the British side were that they were well trained, they had a very well supplied army, they were a wealthy nation, and they had the world's best army at the time. The disadvantages were that they were not familiar with the land so it made it hard to navigate, they had no idea who the enemy was, no real plan for victory, not a very popular war, and they had half-hearted support from the people of England and they were not fond of their king. 

The advantages of the colonists were that they were fightin on their own land so they knew the area well, they had a rea reason to fight (which was for freedom), they were supported by the french who gave them supplies and soldiers, they had time (dragged out war and guerilla warfare= British soliders/citezens would get tired of the war). The disadvantages of the colonists were that they had untrained soliders (many of which were militia that would leave during tough times- summer soliders), they had massive shortages of food, medical supplies and ammunition- most deaths were caused by diseases and weak goverment, many of which were fighting more for their indivisual colony and not america.


Tuscarora War

1711-1715, Tuscora attacked white settlements along the Neuse and pamlico rivers, Tuscora lost and agreed to a peace treaty which made them have to leave the area, keep pushing natives west


List and explain the three times speech can be limited

Fighting words- language that provokes a fight can be punished

Obscenity- established to protect children from exposure to obscene materials

Clear and present danger- cant make statements that are uttered to provoke violence or cause panic.


the fourth amendment

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall be issued, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized


VA plan vs NJ plan

VA plan-made by James Madison in VA. supported by larger states. Legislative, Judicial, and executive branches. Stronger national government and created a new document angering smaller states. The Legislature had two houses.

NJ plan- drafted by William Patterson of NJ and supported by smaller states. Purpose of the convention was only to strengthen AOC. Give congress power to levy taxes, regulate commerce, and name a plural executive. Equal representation of the states in a unicameral legislature- keep legislature the same as it was under the AOC. power would still rest in the individual states and not the national government 


Why did Americans support a weak national government at first? List and explain three weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation. List two achievements of the Articles of Confederation

Because the colonial´s experience with tyranny caused many to want stronger state governments united by a weak national government. Congress had no power to levy taxes so many states gave little or no money to the federal government. This caused us to go into massive debt and made it impossible to carry out any federal programs including soldiers for service from the Revolutionary War. Congress has no power to regulate commerce or trade between states. Allowing personal state currency makes it difficult to know the value. And there was no way for the Federal government to settle trade disputes between states so many nationalists like Washington tried to settle these disputes.l Federal government had no power to enforce law. This led to things such as Shays's Rebellion Congress could only pass laws if ⅔ of the states voted for it. - Signed a peace treaty with England in 1783 in which the US gained land east of the Mississippi River. Developed a plan for surveying and selling the newly gained territory between the Appalachians and the Mississpi. Land and Northwest Ordinances. Established departments of War, Marine, Treasury, and Foreign Affairs


background, events, and aftermath of the Battle of Alamance 

Background- for several decades tensions had been rising from being overtaxed and paying excessive fees. The regulators' demands for charges to the law were publicly humiliating, intimidating, and sometimes beating officials whom they deemed corrupt. After the riot act was passed regulators said they would no longer pay taxes, so in 1771 Govenor Tryon ordered a special court in Hillsborough. Predicting the Regulators would protest, Tryon sent a trained militia to the courthouse to end any rebellious activity interfearing with court sessions

Evenents- Govenor Tryon marched from New Bern to Hillsborough with his army of around 1000 men. About 2000 regulators assembled and met the militiamen at Great Alamance Creek. On May 16, 1771 the Regulators sent a message to Tryon trying to discuss their differences but in return he said they had 1 hour to surrender. But the Regulators replied and said, ¨fire or be damned.¨ The battle lasted for two hours. The regulators weapons fired behind trees and large rocks lacking organization, but the militia was the oppisites being organized and defeating them

Aftermath- the regulator causality count is unknown, but it ended the regulator movement. 9 militia dies and 61 were wounded. Immediatly afterward there was hoc trails for certain regulators (14 trailed, 12 convicted, 6 hanged). Goverment officials released 6 in a public relation strategy in which they hoped North Carolinas would consider them generous and forgiving. On may 17 Tryon promised a pardon to all those who took an oath, 6409 complied