
This is the inner layer of the heart

What is the endocardium


These cardiac markers can indicate damage to cardiac muscle

What are troponin, CK, CKMB, BNP and CRP


This invasive procedure is used to diagnose structural and functional diseases of the heart or greater vessels by threading a tiny catheter directly to the heart

What is a cardiac catheterization?


This causes damage to a portion of the heart by inflammation, narrowing, destruction or infection

What is valvular disease?


This is a series of progressive events that culminates in impaired cardiac output leading to heart failure, sudden death, or dysrhythmias

What is cardiomyopathy?


There are this many chambers in the heart

What are four chambers?


This physical assessment is indicative of increased pressure in the cardiac vessels, and can be used diagnostically in the presence of other features

What is jugular vein distention (JVD)?


These are common entry points for cardiac catheterization

What are the radial artery in the wrist or the femoral artery in the groin?


This type of valvular disease, characterized by abnormal stretching of the valve, doesn't always require treatment - or can be treated with beta blockers

What is (mitral) valve prolapse?


This electrolyte is a major contributor to heart failure and fluid overload in patients with cardiomyopathy 

What is sodium?


This structure is considered the heart's natural pacemaker because it initiates the electrical signal responsible for cardiac muscle contraction

What is the sinoatrial node (SA node)?


This can be a continuous measurement or snapshot of the heart's electrical activity using 3, 5, 10 or 12 lead views

What is electrocardiography (ECG, EKG)?


After a cardiac catheterization it is common for the patient to remain on bedrest for this general amount of time, depending on facility policy

What is two to six hours (2-6 hours)?


Characterized by abnormal backflow of the blood between chambers of the heart, this valvular disease may be treatable with medications that prevent blood clots but often requires surgical repair

What is valvular regurgitation? 


Patients with cardiomyopathy may be prescribed this medication to control symptoms but can lead to toxicity and should be monitored closely

What is digitalis (or specifically digoxin)?


This is the amount of blood pumped by each ventricle per minute and is calculated by multiplying the amount of blood pumped with each heartbeat times the number of heartbeats per minute

What is the cardiac output (CO)?


This exercise test shows how the heart works during physical activity and can be used to diagnose blood flow issues. When chest pain symptoms appear, the test should be stopped and analgesics administered.

What is a cardiac stress test?


For unstable cardiac patients, this type of monitoring is essential to evaluate a range of assessment data from minor blood pressure checks to invasive intra-arterial monitoring

What is hemodynamic monitoring?


The nurse includes avoidance of this in the teaching plan for a patient who has undergone surgical repair for a valvular disease

What are alcohol and caffeine?


This is the single most important factor in managing any infectious disease of the heart or blood vessels

What is prevention?


These are classic signs and symptoms of abnormal cardiac functioning

What are shortness of breath, chest pain, dizziness, syncope, nausea, low BP, changes in heart rate


This type of radiological study requires an evaluation for allergies to radiology dye or shell fish, and can be used to visualize the vasculature in the cardiac system

What is a CT scan? (also Myocardiac Perfusion Imaging)


The goal of hemodynamic monitoring is to maintain this 

What is adequate blood flow and tissue perfusion?


This type of medication is commonly prescribed for patients with valvular disease and may include dietary changes to prevent counteracting the medication's therapeutic effects

What are anticoagulants?


This very common form of cardiovascular infection is prominent in patients with prosthetic heart valves, structural cardiac defects, those with indwelling catheters, or those who use IV drugs

What is infective endocarditis?