____________ is the study of the Earth, its physical features, and the effects of human interaction with them.
La ____________ es el estudio de la Tierra, sus características físicas y los efectos de la interacción humana con ellas. 

What is Geography?


During this Era, humans did not have homes. They did not live in villages, towns, or cities. Instead, they lived in small groups of less than 100 people and lived a nomadic lifestyle.
Durante esta Era, los humanos no tenían hogares. No vivían en aldeas, pueblos o ciudades. En cambio, vivían en pequeños grupos de menos de 100 personas y llevaban un estilo de vida nómada.

What is the Paleolithic Era?


People started to do _______________ and were able to eat from their fields instead of having to find food.

La gente empezó a hacer _______________ y pudieron comer de sus campos en lugar de tener que buscar comida.

What is farming / agriculture?


Ancient Egyptians settled near this river.
Los antiguos egipcios se asentaron cerca de este río.

What is the Nile River?


Mesopotamia was between these two rivers

Mesopotamia estaba entre estos dos rios

What are the Tigris and Euphrates?


Land surrounded by water on 3 sides

Terreno rodeado de agua por 3 lados.

What is a peninsula?


___________  are people who frequently move from place to place.

___________ son personas que se desplazan frecuentemente de un lugar a otro.

What is a nomad?

The act of changing a wild animal so it can be grown or raised by humans

el acto de cambiar un animal salvaje para que pueda ser cultivado o criado por humanos

What is domestication?


Indus Valley civilization settled near this river in the West of Asia

La civilización del valle del Indo se asentó cerca de este río en el oeste de Asia.

What is the Indus river?


This river in Ancient China was known as the 'mother river'? 

What is the Huang He (or Yellow) river?


 A document or object written or created by someone during the time-period being studied. Ex: narrative, eye-witness.

Un documento u objeto escrito o creado por alguien durante el período de tiempo que se estudia. Ej: narración, testigo ocular. 

What is a primary source?


Paleolithic nomads were ________________, meaning that they got their food from foraging, the act of finding food, and through hunting or fishing.

Los nómadas del Paleolítico eran ________________, lo que significa que obtenían su alimento de la búsqueda de alimento, del acto de encontrar alimento y de la caza o la pesca.

What are hunter-gatherers? 


Once civilizations settled, people could have specialized _____________ and be experts in their field. 

What is jobs / labor?


Ancient Egyptians used the Shaduf to transfer water from the river to the field and water the crops. This process is called ________________

Los antiguos egipcios utilizaban el Shaduf para transferir agua del río al campo y regar los cultivos. Este proceso se llama ________________

What is irrigation?


One negative impact of rivers in ancient civilizations was that sometimes they would ________________ and bring excess of water without notice that could damage the farms and kill may people.

Un impacto negativo de los ríos en las civilizaciones antiguas fue que a veces __________________ y traen un exceso de agua sin previo aviso que podría dañar las granjas y matar muchas personas.

What is flood / flooding?


The horizontal and vertical lines on a map or globe.

Las líneas horizontales y verticales en un mapa o globo terráqueo.

What is Latitude and Longitude?


Hunter-gathering societies have used various types of ________, as well as ________, and ________, to make a variety of tools such blades, arrows, spearheads, needles, and fishhooks.

Las sociedades de cazadores-recolectores han utilizado varios tipos de ________, así como ________ y ________, para fabricar una variedad de herramientas como hojas, flechas, puntas de lanza, agujas y anzuelos.

What is stone, bone and/or wood?


One of the effects after civilizations had food surplus was ______________ increase.

Uno de los efectos después de que las civilizaciones tuvieran excedentes de alimentos fue el aumento de ______________.

What is population increase?


Mesopotamia means “____________________”

What is land between rivers?


First law code in human history.

What is the code of Hammurabi?


Naturally occurring landforms. Example: deserts, forests, mountains, plains, rivers, etc.

Formas de relieve naturales. Ejemplo: desiertos, bosques, montañas, llanuras, ríos, etc.

What are geographic features?


Occurred after the Paleolithic Era when humans started to settle near rivers. It is considered a turning point in human history. 

Ocurrió después de la era Paleolítica, cuando los humanos comenzaron a asentarse cerca de los ríos. Es considerado una punto de infleccion en la historia humana. 

What is the Neolithic Revolution?


When civilizations produced more food than they needed.

Cuando las civilizaciones producian más alimentos de los que necesitaban. 

What is food surplus?


A ____________ is a system that organizes people into groups based on their social status

Una ____________ es un sistema que organiza a las personas en grupos según su estatus social.

What is social hierarchy?


____________ is the process of bringing water from a natural source like a river to an area without water.
____________ es el proceso de llevar agua de una fuente natural como un río a un área sin agua.

What is Irrigation?