Blood pressure is mainly the pressure exerted on the walls of this type of vessel.
What is an artery?
The measurement of the pressure of blood circulating against the walls of the arteries.
What is blood pressure?
The average blood pressure through one cardiac cycle
What is Mean Arterial Pressure?
What is the artery that a blood pressure cuff is most commonly used on?
What is the Brachial Artery
What is Pam's last name?
What is Holder
What blood pressure would an individual over 18 years old have if they were diagnosed with hypertension?
What is consistently over 140/90 mmHg
The measurement of the pressure of blood against the arteries when the heart pumps.
What is systolic blood pressure?
The average mean arterial pressure in a healthy adult.
What is 70-100 mmHg?
What is the name of the device that measures blood pressure?
What is a Sphygmomanometer
What is a orthostatic blood pressure?
What is taking a blood pressure in different levels of elevation/position
What are three causes of hypotension?
What are dehydration, heart failure, and shock?
The measurement of blood pressure when the heart is relaxed.
What is Diastolic?
The supply of oxygen to and removal of water from the cells and tissues of the body as a result of blood flow.
What is perfusion?
What are the first beats heard with a stethoscope.
What is Systolic?
What is treatment for hypotension?
What is hydration?
Where are the two main locations for baroreceptors during blood pressure regulation?
What are the aortic arch and carotid arteries?
The part of your brain primarily responsible for blood pressure regulation.
What is Medulla Oblongata?
Systolic Blood Pressure - Diastolic blood pressure is
What is Pulse Pressure?
What are the some of the common factors that affect blood pressure
What is physiological, lifestyle, health, stress, smoking, age, genetics, etc...
Who invented the first sphygmomanometer?
Who is Samuel Siegfried Karl von Basch
(Will accept von Basch as an answer)
What does RAAS stand for?
What is the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System?
Management of blood pressure consistently over 140/90.
What is Low salt, exercise, stress control, ACE inhibitors, and beta-blockers?
What is MAP= DBP+(1/3)(SBP-DBP) or MAP= DBP+(1/3)(Pulse Pressure)
What unit is blood pressure measured in?
What is Millimeters of mercury or mmHg
What is the MAP for the blood pressure 118/78
What is ~91 mmHg