This map was the first to be reworked
Hereford base
this primary is used by both bandit and jäger
What is the m870
what operators came with black ice
Who are frost and buck
what was the first season of rainbow
What is black ice
the most expensive skin in rainbow
this map had the callout "drum" on it
these guns are used by rook and doc
what is the mp-5, p90, and sg-cqb
what operators came out in year 1 season 4
Who are hibana and echo
this season had villa come with it
What is pere bellum
this is how you get gold skin
What is buy it with real money
this map has the callouts "armory" "construction" and "pillar"
What is oregon
This gun said it did 99 damage in the gun preview when it came out
What is cav's pistol
what operators (dlc and normal ops) work for america
Who are castle ash pulse thermite valk and blackbeard
this season is when cav came out
What is skull rain
This skin looks like glacier but without the r6 logo and is darker
What is black ice
What is club house (rework)
this was an old strat roulette rush gun (for attacking)
What is m870 rush
What 2 seasons came out with 3 ops
What is blood orchid and white noise
The name of the operation that came out season 1 year 6
What is operation crimson heist
this came out in year 1 depicting a white crane on the gun
What is aki no tsuru
this map used to have a valk glitch where you could ping everyone on the map
What is bank
this gun had acog but was then removed, which led great sadness to most players
What is the 416-carbine
what opp was op and abused in comp and pro league
Who is lion
these are the first 4 seasons of siege
What is black ice, dust line, skull rain, and red crow
What is glacier