vocabulary - jobs
vocab - Australia
application documents
surprise / random

Translate the following words:

- hard-working

- to require

- fleißig

- etwas erfordern / nötig sein


Translate the following words:

- air ambulance

- owner

- Rettungshubschrauber

- Besitzer/in


Name the two most important application documents.

CV + Letter of Application


Explain what the passive voice is used for.

when you want to focus on the action and not the actor


Say how you greet your potential employer when you do a job interview.



Write down 3 jobs that you find in a hospital.

for example: nurse, doctor, surgeon, security guard, cook ...


Form ONE sentence with the words: “seashell” and “desert”.

For example: Seashells can't be found in the desert.


What is the difference between a CV and a resumé?

CV = British English, resumé = American English


Explain what conditional sentence, type I, is used for.

Type 1 is used when it is possible and likely that something will happen.


Write down 5 words that come to your mind when you think of the “rich and famous” lifestyle.

for example: money, private jet, limousine, yacht, caviar, champagne, bank account ...


Write down 3 linking words.

For example: personally, hopefully, in addition, furthermore, moreover ...


Translate the following words:  

- ceiling

- armchair

- Zimmerdecke

- Sessel


Write down a difference between German and English application documents.

for example: no picture attached, you have to translate German-specific terms like "Gymnasium" and "Grundschule", other structure (placement of address etc.) ...


Form a passive sentence: A snake bit Michael.

Michael was bitten by a snake.


Explain what a characterization is.

You describe a character from a fictional text in detail.


Write down 5 jobs that you can find in a zoo.

for example: zoo keeper, vet, security guard, sales assistant, janitor, visitor guide ...


Form ONE sentence with the three words: “carpenter”, “colleague”, “firefighter”.

for example: 

The firefighter and his colleagues were rescuing the carpenter from his workshop.


With which greeting do you begin your application letter if you don’t know who you are writing to?

"Dear Sir or Madam ..."


Translate the conditional sentence, type III: 

Wenn Frau Fritz letzten Sommer nicht am HGC angefangen hätte, würde sie nicht die 9c in Englisch unterrichten.

If Miss Fritz hadn't started at HGC last summer, she would not have taught 9c in English.


Write down 5 words that come to your mind when you hear the word “California”.

for example: Hollywood, USA, the ocean, Walk of Fame, sunny, warm, America ...


Explain what an accountant does.

takes care of the finances of private persons or companies


Translate: Maria was stung by a box jellyfish and then swept out to the ocean by a rip current.

Maria wurde von einer Würfelqualle gestochen und dann von einer Strömung in den Ozean herausgetrieben.


Write down all the parts of a CV.

1) personal details

2) education

3) work experience

4) personal profile text


Form a passive sentence and translate: Die Briten haben die Kinder der australischen Ureinwohner gestohlen.

The children of the Aborigines were stolen by the British.


Explain what is meant by the term „Stolen Generations”.

It's the name for the children of the Aborigines who were taken away from their families in order to make them "more white", so that they forget about their own traditions and lifestyle.