what yer did the new hope com out
what is Jory favorite character in Clone Wars
Captain Rex
Who played Luke Skywalker
Mark Hamill
who is dad favorite character in Star Wars
Boba Fett
What is Jory favorite show other then star wars
who played Obi-Wan in new hope
Alec Guinness
how mane seasons of Clone Wars
Who played Darth Maul
Ray Park
Who is Jory favorite character in Star Wars
Darth Vader
What is dad favorite old show
Perry Mason
What planet is the Jedi temple on
how mane hours of Clone Wars
Who played Han Solo
Harrison Ford
Mom favorite in Star wars
The blind guy
How tall is Jory
5 11
Who is the toughest Sith in star wars
Darth Sidious
Who directed the Clone Wars
Dave Filoni
Who played Chewbacca
What favorite characte is Desirae in Star Wars
What is Jory favorite Star Wars game
Jedi fallen order
How mane people did take to puppet Jabba the Hutt
How mane time have Jory has watched Clone Wars
Who played Leia
Carrie Fisher
Who is Kylie favorite character in Star Wars
What is mom favorite show other then Star Wars
Star Trek next generation