Timezone that has the most members.
Year was the Commune founded.
Known for playing chess in the Commune.
Bwhat, Wally, Trojan, or Stally
Members enjoy a relaxing crocheting session.
Duckie, Moe
Penne is the pet of this human.
Part of North America has the most members.
Ontario, CA
Founded the Commune.
BWhat & Ben
The Name of the game that led to the creation of the Commune.
Members joined during the first Commune megabase (savannah biome)
Sass, Trojan
Has recently taken up coaching wrestling.
The Canadian provinces that we have members currently in.
New Brunswick, Ontario, Manitoba
Built the Pagodas in the first wlvsCraft Commune base.
(in the savannah)
Known for their Nert prowess.
The two mods for Bdubs that joined the Commune.
Barb & Hannah
Their job for the last 8 years helps a professional sports team play.
Nolan, Go Jets!
The two members that live across the pond.
Hurdle & Silver
The member that was at the casino with Rex’s dad at wlvsCon until almost 7am.
Popular prox chat game a good portion of the Commune play last year.
Lethal Company
Members that share a birthday.
Bwhat and Roman
Isaac and Amelia
Dressed up as a Monk at the Renaissance faire.
The two furthest apart members.
Trojan and Roman
During the Covid lockdown, this food was made by some members.
Was played heavily by the Commune in 2021 before the release of its sequel.
The two members that went to the same highschool while in different grade levels.
Grey and Kai
was the longest period that Jay's discord voice was occupied non-stop for.
10 days straight!