Name the type measurement procedure and the correct number for data collection:
Johnny eloped 10 times yesterday
What is frequency? What is 10?
The four functions of behavior
What is Escape/avoidance, attention, access to tangibles, sensory/automatic?
What is Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence?
Prior to delivering a demand, you ask, "Do you want to play with Legos or Marbles?"
What is a preference assessment or choice offering?
You meet someone new at a party. As you shake hands, they say their name. You immediately repeat their name.
What is echoic?
Name the type measurement procedure and the correct number for data collection:
Johnny engaged in uncooperative behavior for 5 minutes
What is Duration? What is 5 minutes?
Johnny hits mom until she gives him a cookie
What is access to tangibles?
What is Functional Communication Training?
RBT states, "In 5 minutes we are going to be all done in the gym"
What is priming or utilizing a count down?
Your friend asks you what you had for breakfast. You say, “I actually do not remember what I had for breakfast.”
What is intraverbal?
Name the type measurement procedure:
Data collection for a target behavior that occurs at a particular moment
What is momentary time sampling?
Johnny screams at mom while she is on the phone
What is Attention?
What is Differential Reinforcement of Incompatible Behaviors?
"First we'll go to circle time, then we'll go to the gym"
What is Premack Principle?
Your patient reaches for a cookie and says, "cookie". You say, "Yeah, that's right. That is a cookie"
What is tact?
Name the type measurement procedure:
Data collection for a target behavior that occurs at any point during the interval
Partial Interval Recording
A peer approaches Johnny and says, "Hi", and Johnny runs away
What is Escape?
What is Establishing Operation?
The therapist follows the patient's lead, offers reinforcers to the patient, and enhances play with patient
What is pairing?
You smell a baked goods as you walk down your street. You say to yourself, “Wow, it smells like blueberry pie!”
What is tact?
Name the type measurement procedure and the correct number for data collection:
13 seconds passed between two instances of screaming
What is interresponse time? What is 13 seconds?
Johnny chews on his toys instead of playing with them
What is Automatic/sensory?
What is Functional Communication Response?
The therapist provides the patient with positive attention every 1 minute
What is non-contingent reinforcement?
You text a friend, “Hi! How’s it going?”
What is mand?