What is the minimum score required on essay at gateway 1
What are Math, Writing plus 8 credits (16 total)
Required to complete 30 hours working with children/students and an essay
What is service learning
What is minimum GPA for Gateway I
May prevent admission to TEP if criminal behavior is significant
What is the background check
we study, design, reflect and refine
What is an innovative scholar
Grades required in Gen Ed
C- or better
Self awareness, persistence, humility and belief in potential for growth are elements of self-assessment
What are the professional dispositions
last 2 years
What is the background check
Failure on the "our promise essay" results in a referral to this entity
What is the student review committee
If a student fails any class twice
What is denial to TEP
Mid program degree required
What is an associate's degree
The number of times an education class may be retaken
Signed by the advisor in Anthology once all requirements are complete
What is the TEP application checklist
"Our promise" principal related to building local and global connections
What is engaged citizen
The pre-TEP education classes required to apply for admission to TEP
EDU 210, EDU 222, EDU 234 and EDU 382
Evidence for attendance at a full day local, state or national conference
What is documentation of attendance
Students most important support person for TEP
What is advisor
Our promise principle related to using authentic data to design and adapt instruction to meet students's needs
What is Responsive Educator
Other Education courses that students may take prior to entering TEP
EDU 233 and HEE 340
The first of these major projects is completed in 352
What is the Teacher Work Sample
Overall 2.7
Gateway 2 minimum requirement
Minimum number of points leading to referral to the student review committee
What is 3