Who is the manager of Supernova?
Where is Roadhog from?
What is the name of AOE’s ongoing ladder tournament?
Which company has created the Assassin’s Creed series?
What is x's OW Main
What is the surname of the singer who created the 2024 hit “Espresso”?
On which platform does DE have the most followers?
What is Widowmaker’s full name? (accent required)
Amelie Lacroix
What are two named days of the week, according to OCE OW.
Open Quesday
Firestrike Friday
Overwatch is a hero shooter. Name 2 other hero shooter games.
Dirty Bomb, Team Fortress 2, Marvel Rivals, Paladins.
Between TGX, DH, and PAX which conventions has X attended?
What is the main music genre/group of genres that Invertigo listens to?
Electronic (lame -Abe)
In which year was the first DEO hosted?
Who did Juno know before she came to earth?
Name at least 4 members of Hammer & Shield!
AvatarLiger, NeshyLegacy, QueenofChaos, Beri, Clare, Ojoi, Abe
What’s your ideal party in Baldur’s Gate 3 and why? (Subjective, they get this if they answer)
What is X's biggest Overwatch pet peeve?
What is the name of the Discord client used for public testing?
Discord Canary
Name 5 past/present DE teams (must get 5)
Pixel Perfect, Encryption, Cybernova, Arcadia, Glitched, Zero Day, Mixed Reality, Upgrade Complete!, Trojan Horse, Pegasys, Virtual Vagabonds, Brute Force, Supernova, Corrupted System, Corrupted Academy, Reboot, Isolation Protocol, Recursion, Project Blackout, Overdrive, Family First, Exabyte, Divide Overflow, Error 404, Error 405, Daemon Index, Blue Screen
When he was in Overwatch, what was Reaper’s “soldier number”?
Soldier 24
Who ran the first streamer face-off event in OCE OW?
Sarah Jane
What’s the name of the critically acclaimed MMORPG with a free trial and an award winning expansion up to level 60?
Final Fantasy XIV
You're going out for a nice meal with X. What cuisine do you think they will like the most?
Name a country whose flag’s horizontal length is not greater than its width.
DE streamed an event that wasn’t on the DE Twitch in 2019. Whose channel was this?
FoxPixels, in 2019
Based on the Honor & Glory cinematic, what could OR15 units do that Orisa never could?
Activate an armblade
Which sponsor has provided graphic cards for previous Streamer Faceoff events?
Concord was closed down by Sony 2 weeks after its release. What was the estimated budget of the game?
2 truths and a lie about x (not OW related)
How many gold medals did Australia get in the 2024 Summer Olympics?
18 gold medals
The Invertigone emote in the DE server came from a photo. What was the context of this photo?
A DE meetup with members of Trojan Horse & Divide Overflow, watching meme videos that a player in DE made at the time, at a food court.
What is the Egyptian name for the tattoo that Pharah has around her eye?
Udjat (Eye of Horus, referenced in an early comic)
Name all players from OCE who have been in OWL & OWCS! +5 points if you can list all OCE broadcast staff?
Custa, Colourhex, Punk, Trill, CuFFa, Adam, Dank
AVRL (Talent), Pixie (Talent), Uber (Talent)
There was a Cult of the Lamb fursuit wedding at PAX 2024. What are the names of the people who got married (in fursuit)?
Tanner & Jasper
What party trick can x perform?
What is the second derivative of speed?