Who said that?
True or False?
TRUE Crime
Around the World

“You have to act as if it were possible to radically transform the world. And you have to do it all the time.”

Who is Angela Y. Davis?


Harsher sentencing is an effective deterrent against crime.

What is false? 


Because DC has no state prisons, how far from DC can a resident be incarcerated?

What is 500 miles as the crow flies?


What percentage of the world's incarcerated women are held in US prisons? 

A) 5% 

B) 10% 

C) 25% 

D) 30%

What is D?


“Those who profess to favor freedom, and yet depreciate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground.”

Who is Frederick Douglass?


Victims and survivors of crime prefer incarceration and other punitive measures compared to support and healing.  

What is false? 


What percentage of trans people have been incarcerated? 

A) 8%

B) 12% 

C) 16% 

D) 20%

What is C, 16%?


Which of the following are available to all currently incarcerated people in Germany? 

A) the right to leave the prison to visit with family 

B) the right to wear their clothes with self-expression 

C) keys for their own cells 

D) all of the above

What is D?


“When you say, “What would we do without prisons?” what you are really saying is: “What would we do without civil death, exploitation, and state-sanctioned violence?”

Who is Mariame Kaba?


Black Americans are incarcerated at twice the rate of white Americans in state prisons.

What is false? Black Americans are four times as likely to be incarcerated in state prisons.


____________ is a law that allows someone who suffers a constitutional or legal violation by a state or local official, including a prison official, to sue. 

What is 42 USC § 1983? A very narrow law that is still subject to qualified immunity and a myriad of other constraints. 


Fatal police shootings in the United States happen 3.1 times per million people. What is the fatal police shooting rate in France? 

A) 0.14 

B) 0.19 

C) 0.44 

D) 0.82

What is A?


Any theory you got, practice it. And when you practice it, you make some mistakes. When you make a mistake, you correct that theory, and then it will be a corrected theory… a lot of us read and read and read and read, but we don’t get any practice.

Who is Fred Hampton?


Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, South Carolina, and Texas provide an average of 15 to 52 cents per hour for prison labor.

What is false? These states provide no pay for the vast majority of prison labor.


In the 1950s, those incarcerated in Louisiana State Penitentiary sliced which body part in protest of their poor treatment?

What is the Achilles tendon?


The average police training program in the United States takes 21 weeks to complete. How long does the average training program for law enforcement last in Europe? 

A) 1.5 years 

B) more than 2 years 

C) more than 3 years 

D) almost 5 years

What is C?


The history of the United States is a history of settler colonialism—the founding of a state based on the ideology of white supremacy, the widespread practice of African slavery, and a policy of genocide and land theft.

Who is Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz?


An average person in the Illinois prison system spends $800 a year on toiletries and hygiene products — an amount that could easily represent almost a quarter of their annual wage.

What is false? An average person in the IL prison system spends $80 a year on toiletries and hygiene products, which is often almost 50% of their annual wage.


A prison in Brazil "allows" those incarcerated there to do what to receive reduced sentences?

Pedal stationary bikes to provide electricity to a nearby city.


The average prison sentence in the US is three years. In the Netherlands, what percentage of sentences are a year or less? 

A) 53% 

B) 78% 

C) 92% 

D) 97%

What is C?