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A really hard question

Heavily armed citizens who served as infantry troops and fought to defend the polis.

What are hoplites?


The spread of Greek ideas, culture, and traditions to non-Greek groups across a wide area of Europe, Asia, and Africa.

What is Hellenization?


This is the cause of Beowulf's death.

What is a dragon?


A medieval code of conduct in which fighting to defend the Christian faith and protecting one's countrymen were declared to have a sacred purpose.

What is chivalry?


A type of Greek government in which citizens who owned a certain amount of property ruled.

What is an oligarchy?


The person whom Oedipus finally consults to determine the cause of plague in his city.



The person whom Telemachus seeks in order to learn news of his father, Odysseus.

Who is Nestor?


A warrior who swore loyalty and service to a noble in exchange for land, protection, and support.

What is a vassal?


The famous Roman who is Dante's guide through Hell.

Who is Virgil?


The collapse of the Bronze Age

What is 1,200 BCE?


An ancient philosophy that indicates the existence of an eternal, unchanging reality defined by ideal forms and essences.

What is Platonism?


A disparaging term used for a person who does not believe in a particular religion.

What is an infidel?


The worship of many gods and goddesses.

What is polytheism?


Between Caesar Augustus, Julius Caesar, and Pompey (the Great) this person was NOT a member of the first Triumvirate.

Who is Caesar Augustus?


A compensatory payment for death or injury set in many barbarian law codes.

What is a wergeld?


The charge against a person who teaches religious doctrine different from the official church doctrine.

What is heresy?


What who does God command Abraham to sacrifice on the mountain on Moriah?

Who is his son (Isaac)


Women's quarters at the back of an Athenian house where the women of the family and female slaves worked, ate, and slept.

What is a gynaeceum?


A barbarian group, partially responsible for the fall of the Western Roman Empire, particularly in Africa and the Iberian peninsula.

Who are the Vandals?


The first crusade.

What is 1096 CE?


The monster Grendel is descended from this biblical character. 

Who is Cain?


The nervous behavior does Lady Macbeth repeatedly perform in her sleep.

What is washing her hands?


An early Athenian statesman who laid the foundation for all citizens to be seen as equals under the law.

Who is Solon?


The legendary founder of the Persian Empire.

Who is Cyrus?


A great leader of the Eastern Roman Empire who collected Roman laws from across centuries into one codex.

Who is Justinian?


The people whom the Romans fought during the Punic Wars.

Who are the Carthaginians?


A thriving city were artists and scientists were attracted from around the Mediterranean world during the Hellenistic Era.

What is Alexandria?


The witches tell Banquo at their first meeting that his descendants will become these.

What are kings?


Belief systems that were characterized by secret doctrines, rituals of initiation, and sometimes the promise of rebirth or an afterlife.

What are mystery religions?


The second Persian invasion of Greece.

What is 480 BCE?


Senior officials or royal companions, later called counts.

What are a comites?


Men belonging to certain religious orders who did not live in monasteries, but out in the world.

What are friars?


High-ranking nobles in Russia who were descendants of Viking warriors and held their lands as free and clear private property.

What are boyars?


Between violence, heresy, and fraud, this is the sin punished in the lowest circles of Dante's hell.

What is fraud?


A peasant bound to the land by a relationship with a manorial lord.

What is a serf?


A philosophy characterized by making a choice to have a life without fear or suffering as the greatest good.

What is Epicureanism?


An ancient philosophy that dictates the existence of a natural law that governs all people.

What is Stoicism?


A flourishing nautical society based on the island of Crete.

Who were the Minoans?


The name associated with the one god of the Jewish/Hebrew peoples.

What is יהוה? (Yahweh, Adoni)


The fall of Corinth and Carthage to Rome.

What is 146 BCE?


The social class of Rome which traces its lineage to the original Roman founders and, therefore, claims authority over the other classes.

Who are the patricians?


A religious and cultural leader, as a chosen successor by a group of Muhammad's closest followers.

What is a caliph?


The follower of Jesus of Nazareth who turns him over to the local authorities for prosecution.

Who is Judas?


A term used to describe the agreement that the Hebrews believed to exist between themselves and their God, in which God would consider them the chosen people if they worshiped.

What is the Covenant?


A seafaring people from Canaan who traded and founded colonies throughout the Mediterranean spreading the phonetic alphabet.

Who are the Phenicians?


The group of people who help Odysseus finally return to his homeland of Ithaca, giving him a ship to sail on and treasure to enrich his home.

Who are the Phaeacians?


A Sumerian form of writing.

What is cuneiform?


The death of this person prompted Gilgamesh to sorrowfully grieve and seek to obtain immortality for himself.

Who is Enkidu?


The first five books of the Hebrew Bible, containing important legal and ethical texts for the Hebrews.

What is the Torah?


The zenith of the Persian Empire.

What is 525 BCE?


The second book of the Torah; it contains stories about the Israelites leaving Egypt, wandering the desert, and seeking the "Holy Land."

What is Exodus?


The object to which Plato compares a person who is perpetually self-indulgent.

What is a leaky jar?


The colosseum is an example of this kind of building

What is an amphitheater?


The item around which Penelope proposes a contest as a way to determine which suitor could marry her.

What is Odysseus's bow?


The first Roman emperor to become baptized according to the Christian religion.

Who is Constantine?


The first and most influential tyrant of Athens who establishes many of the institutions of Athenian democracy.

Who is Peisistratus?


A Roman general who expanded Rome's borders, especially in the easter provinces, but lost his life in Egypt.

Who is Pompey?


The leading Athenian statesman during the peak of the city's prosperity until his death during the Peloponnesian War.

Who is Pericles?


A Roman general who used his armies to take sole control of Rome as Dictator Perpetuus.

Who is Julius Caesar?


The rise of agriculture and animal husbandry

What is 9,000 BCE?


A society in which most power is held by older adult men, especially those from elite groups.

What is a patriarchy?


The Great Schism refers to a time when there were two (or even three) of what?

What are popes?


The 'unusual' form that God appears to Moses in order to commission him to return to Egypt and liberate the Israelites.

What is the Burning Bush?


Eruption of Vesuvius

What is 79 CE?


The death of Julius Caesar.

What is 44 BCE?


Egyptian funerary manuscripts written to help guide the dead through the difficulties encountered in the afterlife.

What is the Book of the Dead?


This character earns a death sentence in her home of Thebes because she buries her brother's body against the orders of the ruler.

Who is Antigone?


An economic system based on herding flocks of goats, sheep, cattle, and other animals.

What is pastoralism?


A philosophy/ religious structure that dictates each individual must choose between the two forces of the universe - good and evil

What is Zorastrianism?


An area of mild climate and abundant wild grain where it is believed that agriculture first developed.

What is the Fertile Crescent?


Administrators in the Persian Empire who controlled local government, collected taxes, heard legal cases, and maintained order.

Who were the Satraps?


The items which the wife of Utnapishtim creates to prove to Gilgamesh that he fell asleep for six days and seven nights

What are loaves of bread?


A kingdom in Nubia that adopted hieroglyphics and pyramids and later conquered Egypt.

What is Kush?


The people whom the Romans fought during the Social War.

Who are the Italians?


The death of Alexander the Great.

What is 323 BCE?


People who believed that the authority in the Roman Church should rest in a general council composed of clergy, theologians, and laypeople rather than the pope alone.

Who are conciliarists?


The period in which the production and use of bronze tools and implements became basic to society.

What is the Bronze Age?


The period of the Stone Age when humans developed agriculture, domesticated animals, and used tools of stone and wood.

What is the Neolithic Era?


The title given to the king of Egypt in the New Kingdom.

What is the pharaoh?


The two primary combatants of the Hundred Years war.

What are England and France?


The prophet who anoints Saul and David as the first and second kings of the Israelite monarchy.

Who is Samuel?


A mercantile association of towns begun in northern Europe that provided mutual protection and trading rights.

What is the Hanseatic League?


The Egyptian belief in cosmic harmony that embraced truth, justice, and moral integrity.

What is ma'at?


The period of the Stone Age when humans used stone and other natural products to make tools and gained food largely by foraging and hunting.

What is the Paleolithic Era?


The year of the founding of Rome.

What is 753 BCE?


You have 2 minutes - 

Order the following from earliest to latest:

- Bronze Age, Early Middle Ages, Greek Classical Period, height of the Roman Republic, Hellenistic Period, High Middle Ages, Late Antiquity, Neolithic Period, Paleolithic period, Roman Imperial Period

1. Paleolithic Period, 2. Neolithic Period, 3. Bronze Age, 4. Greek Classical Period, 5. Hellenistic Period, 6. Height of the Roman Republic, 7. Roman Imperial Period, 8. Late Antiquity, 9. Early Middle Ages, 10. High Middle Ages