Regions of North America
Age of Exploration I
Age of Exploration II
Social Structures

Plus or minus 1,000 years, this was the time period in which humans first crossed into the American continents.

What is approximately 18,000 BCE


The modern-day regions in which Native Americans lived primarily off the bounty of the sea and forest.

What is the Pacific Coast/ California?


A type of ship that employed previously developed technologies to be small, fast, and maneuverable opening the door for Portuguese and Spanish exploration in the 15th and 16th centuries.

What is a Caravel?


The singular most deadly cause of Native American population decline during the Age of Exploration.

What are germs?


The term used to describe goods being sold to another country.

What are exports?


A Franciscan friar who famously objected to the horrific treatment of Native peoples by the Spanish during the Colonial Era.

Who is Bartolomé de Las Casas?


The term used to describe the movement of goods, people, ideas, food, and germs to and from the Americas, Europe, and Africa.

What is the Columbian Exchange?


Plus or minus 500 years, the time period in which maize was domesticated in Mexico.

What is approximately 8,000 BCE?


The region in which Native Americans frequently moved around during the summer months.

What is the Great Basin?


The mneumonic that explains some of the major motivations behind European exploration.

What are the "Three Gs"?

Gold, Glory, God


A technology developed from a Chinese innovation that allowed European explorers to accurately navigate the seas using the Earth's magnetosphere.

What is a compass?


The term used to describe goods being purchased from another country.

What are imports?


A Spaniard who famously argued in favor of the subjugation of Native Peoples for European benefit.

Who is Juan Ginés de Sepulveda?


Three crops that were introduced to the New World from the Old World.

What are sugar, wheat, and bananas?


Plus or minus 500 years, this is the time period in which the domestication of maize spread to the Andes and modern-day Columbia.

What is approximately 4,000 BCE?


The name given to the largest/ most-prominent Native American confederacy during the European colonial era.

What was the Iroquois League?


Natural phenomena that allowed European sailors to cross the Atlantic along the equator and return to Europe at higher latitudes.

What are trade winds?


The royal patrons who funded the mission of the Italian explorer Christopher Columbus.

Who are Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain?


The largest trade hub of the Native American world in North America before European contact.

What was Cahokia?


The name given to the social/economic system that granted land rights to European explorers to utilize local labor for economic gain.

What is the Encomienda System?


Four of the most important crops brought to the Old World from the New World.

What are tomatoes, potatoes, cacao, and corn?


The region(s) in which Native Americans established large interregional trade networks.

What are the Midwest, South, East?


The royal patron who is credited with funding voyages from Portugal along the West African coast in the 15th century.

Who is Henry the Navigator?


These two European states began to explore the Western Hemisphere in the 16th and 17th Centuries.

What are Portugal and Spain?


A financial structure that used limited liability to fund European exploration outside of royal patronage.

What is a Joint Stock Company?


In order of most prestige to least, four names given to describe the social structure utilized in the Americas

What are Peninnsulares, Creole, Mestizo, Mulatto


These three regions were the primary trading targets of the Europeans during the Age of Exploration.

What are India, China, and Persia?


These three European states began exploring the Western Hemisphere primarily in the 17th century.

What are the Netherlands, France, and England?


An economic ideology that seeks to increase power through the amassing of wealth, notably by maximizing exports and minimizing imports.

What is mercantilism?