The Bible: The Inspired Word of God
Types of Truths
Literal and Figurative Language

Who inspires you?






What is the Bible?

A book made up of the writings accepted by Christians as coming from God


What is truth?

Truth is the quality or state of being true. 

Truth is the self-expression of God as truth flows from God.


Where in the bible can literal and figurative language be found?

Old and New Testament


Define Genre

A category or type of literature characterised by a particular form, style, or content.


Define Inspired 

To fill (someone) with the urge or ability to do or feel something, especially to do something creative


What guided the human beings to write the Bible?

The Holy Spirit


Why is truth important?

Truth helps people make informed decisions and fosters trust in relationships and communities.

Truth is crucial for justice and fairness, and it encourages honesty.


What is Figurative Language?

A word or phrase not intended to be understood literally. 


Define Prophetic 

Relating to or characteristic of a prophet or prophecy.


How does inspiration effect someone?

They are transformed or influenced by something great.


What did the human beings also use to write the Bible?

Their own knowledge, experience and insights. The Biblical writers wrote what God wanted.


What is Religious Truth?

The Truth we find in the Bible that shows us who God is and about Jesus, who he was and how, in following Jesus, we come to know God.


What is Literal Language?

Understanding a word or phrase exactly as it is written 


Define Divine Inspiration

The concept of God causing a person or people to experience a creative desire. 


What effect does inspiration have on Christians?

Inspiration  fosters trust in its truth, guides morals, and promotes spiritual growth among Christians.


True or False: Believers can read the Bible with confidence that the words are God's communication with his people.



Identify the following truth: Much of the truth in Scripture is told in symbols, parables, myths and allegories. We have to read between the lines to discover the truth being presented.

Symbolic Truth


Is this an example of literal or figurative language:

“I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty." John 6:35.

Justify why?

Figurative Language because as Catholics we believe Jesus is the source of life and by believing in him we can have eternal life.


Define Canon

In the Church, this refers to a collection of books or beliefs/teachings that are accepted as true.


Name one person Jesus inspired in the bible and explain how?

There are many examples of individuals inspired by Jesus in the bible, but one example is: 

Peter. Initially a fisherman, Peter became a devoted disciple after Jesus called him to follow. Jesus' teachings, miracles, and resurrection profoundly transformed Peter, empowering him to become a courageous leader in the early Christian church, preaching boldly and performing miracles in Jesus' name.


What are the two examples where this belief of the bible being the inspired word of God been expressed?

1) 1 Thessalonians 2:13

2) Catechism of the Catholic Church


How are Religious and Scientific truth different?

Religious truth is what Christians believe based on their faith and the Bible, while scientific truth is what we know from experiments and observations.


Is this an example of literal or figurative language: 

“You shall not murder.” (Exodus 20:13)


Literal language because it presents a clear and directive regarding the sanctity of human life. It leaves no room for interpretation or justification of taking another person’s life unlawfully. It establishes a fundamental moral principle that forms the basis for societal order and respect for human dignity.


How can the bible guide or influence Catholics to live a better life?

The Bible can teach Catholic between what's right and wrong. 

The words and teachings of Jesus act like seeds planting good thoughts into hearts that grow into actions that make our world better.

The Bible is used by Christians to give them guidance about how they can live their lives in the way God would want them to.