9th Grade Foreign Terms
He who would be king
A French term for two ballerinas that have identical dance steps.
Whrat is a pas de deux?
A British Royalist (suporter of monarchy) reporter asked the British Republican (i.e., believes the monarchy should be discontinued) author, Christopher Hutchinson the following: The British Reporter leaned forward toward Christopher Hutchinson, author of the book, "The Man who would be King" and asked, "I say old sport, do you believe that Prince Charles should be king?" Hutchinson glared at the reporter and said, "Are you daft?" He continued, "That bat eared kilted one is not fit to rule!" Have students view picture 1 and answer the following question: What is am example of sarcasm in the preceding paragraph and why is it considered sarcasm? For an extra hundred points: The wearing of the "clan colors" (i.e., different families with different patterns of kilts)" is a tradition that is uniquely Scottish. What literary term reflects something that is part of a culture?
The sarcastic expresson is: "That bat eared kilted one is not fit to rule!" It is considered sarcasm because Hutchinson is making fun as of big ears that resemble bat ears and he sometimes wears kilts. Extra 100 points: What is cultural context?
An equal exchange of services or goods.
What is quid pro quo?
French term for an intimate conversation between friends.
What is tête à tête?
Latin term for "buyer beware"
What is caveat emptor?
A sentence using the French term for blank check, that is, someone that is given an unlimited spending budget. For an extra bonus of 200 points create a sentence using the French term for "have a wonderful meal".
Answers will vary. An example: The student was given carte blanche on the watch he could choose; however, his parents were angry when he charged $800 for a very expensive watch. Answers will vary. An example: Javier wanted to impress his date at the expensive restaurant and so he lifted his iced tea in a toast and said, "Bon apetit