Analyze Plot
Complex Sentences
Analyze Poetic Structure
Analyze Argument
Vocab Words 1
Making Inferences
Vocab Words 2

The dramatic struggle between forces in a story

What is conflict?


Which is the correct complex sentence structure?

a. one independent clause.  b. one dependent clause

c. and independent clause and a dependent clause

d. a simple sentence with a subject and a verb

What is and independent clause and a dependent clause.


Using words to engage the five senses, creating mental pictures in your mind...

What is imagery?


The conclusion followed by the claims or reasons.

What is structure of an argument?

eat, drink, or ingest (food or drink). or buy (goods or services)

What is consume?


When you use details or evidence in a text to draw a conclusion, you .

What is making inference?


not certain or fixed; provisional.

What is tentative?


The highest point of interest or suspense in a story

What is climax?


Which are correctly written complex sentences?

a. When I was a baby, my dad was in the army.

b. Although I was tired.

c. An adjective describes a noun.

d. A proper noun needs to be capitalized.

What is When I was a baby, my dad was in the army.


Comparing two different things using the words like or as:

What is simile?


True or False? Evidence and reasoning are the same thing.

what is false?


modest or shy because of a lack of self-confidence.

What is diffident?


When you "read between the lines" you

What is make an educated guess about things that aren't written down.


not certain or fixed; provisional or not of practical relevance; of only theoretical interest or a teacher or scholar in a university or other institute of higher education.

What is academic?


an author's reason for writing

What is author's purpose?


Identify what kind of sentence it is below:

"She dropped the plate, and her food tumbled down to the floor."

What is not complex?


Giving human traits to non-living things..

a. metaphor

b. imagery

c. simile

d. personification

What is personification?


the writer's central position/stance on a topic

What is a claim?


scold or criticize (someone) angrily.

What is berate?


It is snowing. Your friend Justina is coming to sleep over. She texts you that she's on her way but will be late. 

What is the best inference you could make?

What is Traffic is slow due to the weather.


(of a place) uninhabited and giving an impression of bleak emptiness or feeling or showing great unhappiness or loneliness.

What is desolate?


Introduces the story's characters, setting, and conflict.

what is exposition?


 Although they found the newspaper interesting, they didn't read it all.

What is complex sentence?


Using symbols to represent ideas or qualities

What is symbols?


address opposing viewpoints

What is counterargument?


showing little concern for the feelings of others; harsh or (of a substance or material) capable of polishing or cleaning a hard surface by rubbing or grinding.

What is abrasive?


Terrence is camping alone. It is dry and windy out. He falls asleep in his sleeping bag near the blazing campfire. 

What is the best inference you could make?

What is The fire may spread.


the complete loss or absence of hope or lose or be without hope.

What is dispair?


How the story makes you feel

what is mood?


Unless you are going to graduate you will not need to apply for your diploma.       Where does the comma belong?

a. between unless and you.     b. between graduate and you

c. between not and need.        d. this complex sentence does not                                                      need a comma.

What is between graduate and you.


Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave,

I am the dream and the hope of the slave.

I rise

I rise

I rise.

The last 3 lines are an example of

What is repetition?


___________is the proof from credible sources used to support the writer's claims. 


b. counter claim

c. argument

d. evidence

what is evidence?


persuade (someone) not to take a particular course of action.

What is dissuade?


Ellen felt the warm sunlight hit her face. She rolled over in bed, feeling unusually well-rested. But she knew it was a weekday. When she blinked her eyes and saw “9:00 am” on the clock, she shouted, “Oh nooooooo!” So she jumped out of bed, dressed as fast as she could, brushed her teeth in a flash and grabbed her backpack on the way out of the house.

What can you infer from the passage?

What is Ellen slept longer than usual and is late.


an official order or proclamation issued by a person in authority.

What is edict?