chapter 1 digital life 102
chapter 2 the internet
chapter 3 copy rights and wrongs
chapter 4 feeling on display
chapter 5 cyber bullying
digital media
what are electronic devices and media platforms such as computers, cell phones, video, the Internet, and video games that allow users to create, communicate, and interact with one another or with the device or application itself
What is a result of a previous action
fair use
What is the ability to use a small amount of someone’s creative work without permission, but only in certain ways
What is a representation of someone or something, such as a photograph or drawing; the way someone or something is perceived by others
What is a person who is the object of an intentional action
What is a comparison with like or as
Using the example below, determine what the word consequence means. Ivan emails his friend about something secret that happened at school. Later, Ivan notices that the email has been posted online. A consequence of Ivan sharing the information through email is that the information was shared publicly online.
What is The effect of something that happened earlier
What is a law that protects a creator’s ownership of and control over the work he or she creates, requiring other people to get the creator’s permission before they copy, share, or perform that work
double standard
What is a rule that is unfairly applied to different people or groups of people
digital citizenship
What is navigating the digital world safely, responsibly, and ethically
True or false: If you send a text message, you can control what happens to the message after you send it.
What is false
commercial purposes
What is a use in connection with a business, usually for profit
There’s absolutely a double standard ... for girls, especially.” What does this mean by this statement?
What is In the same situation, people would treat a girl differently than a boy.
upside (positive) or downside (negative) of media life -
What is upside You can stay in touch with friends easily
is this over sharing- Posting a message on your friend’s wall that says you dislike your basketball coach
What is true
public domain
What is creative work that’s not protected by copyright and is therefore free for one to use
is this example of how someone might feel on display- Valeria receives comments on an Instagram she took of a tree at a park.
What is no
Mei keeps getting mean comments on her Twitter posts. Cara, Mei’s good friend, has seen the comments and wants to help. What can both girls do to make the situation better?
What is Mei could ignore and block the bully. Cara could comfort Mei.
upside (positive) or downside (negative) of media life. -Many fun things online are also free
What is downside
if you make a public blog and you post personal things and you parents read it are the over stepping their bounds
What is no
Creative Commons
What is a kind of copyright that makes it easy for people to copy, share, and build on someone’s creative work –as long as they give the creator credit for it
True or False: It’s more common for girls to worry about other people posting ugly photos of themselves online than for boys to.
What is True
A(n) ____________ helps to de-escalate, or lessen the impact of online cruelty by supporting and standing up for the person who is bullied.
What is upstander