A comparison using like or as.
What is a simile?
A group of lines in a poem.
What is a stanza?
The main character.
Who is Odysseus?
The hero faces his biggest ordeal or worst fear.
What is trials?
Giving humans traits and emotions to animals or objects.
What is personification?
A reference to a person, place, thing, or event.
What is an allusion?
Son of the main character.
Who is Telemachus?
The hero receives his literal or figurative treasure.
What is treasure?
A word that sounds like or suggests the thing it describes.
What is onomatopoeia?
The repetition of vowel sounds without repeating consonants.
What is assonance.
The Goddess that helped Odysseus the most.
Who is Athena?
The hero comes back to the ordinary world.
What is return?
A commonly used expression that has acquired a meaning different from its literal meaning.
What is an idiom?
The repetition of consonant sounds.
What is consonance?
The god that hated Odysseus.
Who is Poseidon?
The quest has changed the hero, he has outgrown his old life.
What is new life?
A phrase that uses two contradictory words to create a new meaning
What is an oxymoron?
A poem that does not have a regular rhythm or rhyme.
What is free verse?
The common template of stories that involve a hero who goes on an adventure.
What is the hero's journey?
The tangled plotlines get straightened out.
What is resolution?