Literary Analysis
Reading Comprehension
Writing Strategies
This selection could effectively be adapted for presentation as a dramatic monologue because it consists of
A : several suspenseful scenes.

B : tales of misfortune.

C : vivid descriptions by a narrator.

D : exaggeration of people’s actions.

The author uses the runner in the advertisement to give the impression that
A : making a good stopwatch is a tiring task.

B : winners choose ATLAS stopwatches.

C : time is more important to runners than to other people.

D : running is time consuming.
Few people noticed that Rothschild was snapping up these bonds when everyone else was desperately trying to sell them.

In this sentence, snapping up means
A : giving away.

B : destroying.

C : throwing out.

D : buying.

For the next 26 days, Helen and her dog, Charlie, walked, slid, and skied across 364 miles of ice. They withstood Arctic storms, crossed rugged terrain, and held off dangerous polar bears. Twenty-seven days later they climbed on board a plane ready to go home. Helen was exhausted but happy. She had successfully explored the magnetic North Pole and at last fulfilled her “polar” dream.

Which word should Martin substitute for happy in order to be more precise?
A : pleased

B : fortunate

C : triumphant

D : glad

It is easily the best place in the city for: sports, picnics, concerts, walking, and enjoying nature.

How should the underlined part of the sentence be written?
A : for-sports,

B : for; sports,

C : for sports,

D : for: sports

But it wasn’t the fact I didn’t make money, or that life was unfair, that bothered me most. It was the comment of that judge, probably some poor Home Ec teacher who’d seen a thousand dresses as badly sewn as mine that day. It was her tone of polite dismissal, her cheery insincerity, which I still associate with the voices of women in my past—the Home Ec teachers and den mothers and club presidents I still try to escape from.

The conflict at the end of this passage can best be described as
A : internal—the narrator’s feelings about her brother winning.

B : external—interactions between the narrator and the judges.

C : external—interactions between the narrator and her brother.

D : internal—the narrator’s feelings toward people like the judge.

Gleick, James. Getting Started: Running. New York: Pilot Press, 1979.

Manning, Lynne. "Back to the Sport I Loved: Pacing Myself." Runner's Magazine 15 May 1999: 34–35.

Mendez, Libby. Medical Advantages of Exercise. San Diego: Hanley House, 1966. v ii–xii.

O'Shea, Shaun. Athlete's Guide to Quality Equipment. Dallas: Scanlon-Van Horn Publishers, 1998.

Shopmeyer, Ingrid. Ingrid Shopmeyer's Running for Beginners. Philadelphia: King Books, 1995.

Which of the following questions is answered in the bibliography?
A : Are special running shoes needed for beginners?

B : Is Scanlon-Van Horn Publishers located in New York?

C : Is James Gleick related to Libby Mendez?

D : Is Runner’s Magazine published weekly or semimonthly?
“We don’t use a lifeline,” Virgil explained. “It’s just extra gear to drag around at a hundred feet or more. To come up, let the air pressure build in the suit and you’ll float to the surface.” There was a mike in the helmet and one on deck so the diver and tender could talk back and forth. Air was supplied by a one-cylinder gas motor that ran the compressor.

A "tender" is
A : a piece of diving equipment.

B : a measure of air pressure.

C : a person helping the diver.

D : a kind of air compressor.

Martin’s teacher asked her students to write about someone who could inspire others. Martin chose to write about Helen Thayer, an athlete and adventurer. As Martin begins his research, which person would be most helpful in guiding him?
A : a school counselor

B : a geography teacher

C : a school principal

D : a school librarian

I see the park going to school every day.

Which is the best way to write this sentence?
A : Every day I see the park going to school.

B : I see the park going on the way to school every day.

C : Every day I see the park on my way to school.

D : I see the park every day going to school.

After Jackson and Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War, he would probably not be very impressed about much that goes on nowadays, and I would like to get a few resonances off his tombstone, a cool feeling of contempt maybe for a great-grandchild who had missed all the really perilous times.

In this paragraph, what does the narrator use to make a point?
A : a contrast between the past and present

B : an allusion to an event

C : a flashback to his youth

D : a foreshadowing of the future
A Blue Jeans Chronology

1850s - Denim begins to be used to produce pants for miners.
1870s - Rivets are first used on blue jeans.
1930s - Women begin to wear blue jeans.
1950s - Music stars and teen idols, then teens themselves, adopt blue jeans as a cosmopolitan style.
1970s - Decorated, studded, and embroidered jeans become popular, and the designer jeans craze begins.
1980s - Acid-washed, ripped or torn jeans, along with bell-bottoms, begin their reign.
1990s - Baggy, oversized jeans dominate the market.

Which event happened during the same time period that Forever Blue, Inc., began manufacturing blue jeans?
A : Blue jeans became fashionable for women.

B : Teens began to wear blue jeans.

C : Studs were first used on blue jeans.

D : Rivets were first used on blue jeans.
Map Artist is the perfect tool for creating customized maps to include in research projects and reports.

The word perfect is used mainly to suggest that Map Artist is
A : best.

B : exact.

C : most authentic.

D : most rational.

As you pointed out, Mr. Slocum, it’s great to lie on a warm, sandy beach with a book. You can do that just as easily with an e-book as you can with a traditional paper book. In fact, because e-books are so light, you can take them places you wouldn’t want to take regular books. Say, for example, that you like to read on the bus. Which would you rather carry with you—a heavy 800-page novel, or an e-book that weighs only a few ounces?

Which of the following does David use to help develop his ideas in this paragraph?
A : a scenario

B : a definition

C : a hypothesis

D : a quote

Knights pledged to be fair and honest at all times and knew they would lose favor with the king if they violated the code of Chivalry.

What is the correct way to write the underlined words?
A : fair and honest at all times. They knew they would lose favor

B : fair and honest at all times, so they knew they would lose favor

C : fair and honest at all times, but they knew favor would be lost

D : fair and honest at all times-and knew they would lose favor

Which of these phrases from Frederick Douglass’s speech is slightly critical toward Lincoln?
A : “though the Union was more to him than our freedom or our future”

B : “responding to the call of Abraham Lincoln”

C : “making slavery forever impossible in the United States”

D : “the outburst of joy and thanksgiving that rent the air”
1.) Click on the OPTIONS menu and choose FROM. From the drop-down box select the driver’s starting location. If the departure location is not listed, type the location name or zip code in the OTHER box.

2.) Click on the OPTIONS menu and choose TO. From the drop-down box select the driver’s ending location. If the destination location is not listed, type the location name or zip code in the OTHER box.

3.) Click on the OPTIONS menu and choose VIA. A screen with numbered fill-in boxes will appear. List the locations where deliveries are scheduled in the order that they must be visited.

4.) Click on FORMAT. Choose either MAP or LOG. If you choose MAP, you will receive a printed map with the driver’s route highlighted. If you choose LOG, you will receive a step-by-step written route including each of the locations you specified.

When using “Trip Planner,” locations must be typed into a numbered fill-in box as described in
A : Step 1.

B : Step 2.

C : Step 3.

D : Step 4.

Uncle Hank looked at several stores before buying a set of cheap tires for his truck.

In this sentence, the word cheap means “inexpensive,” but the adjective also suggests that the tires were very likely
A : the wrong size.

B : made recently.

C : of poor quality.

D : easy to locate.

Which of the works in the Works Cited is most likely the source of information for the temperature at which popcorn kernels pop?
A : “Healthy Snacks”

B : Popcorn: A Healthy Alternative

C : “How Popcorn Evolved”

D : Science of Food

Terri has noticed that she has used variations of the word "beauty" frequently in her letter and made a list of synonyms she might use instead. Which word below has she spelled incorrectly?
A : lovliness

B : attractiveness

C : fairness

D : handsomeness

After being trapped underwater for almost an hour with oxygen running low, I finally twisted free, let air build in the suit, and shot to the surface. Virgil twisted the helmet off, and I looked at the beautiful sky and the sun and the sea. Neither of us said a word. He was beginning to unbuckle the suit a minute later when the compressor motor sputtered and died.

In this paragraph, the narrator is feeling
A : scared.

B : relieved.

C : nervous.

D : confused.
In 1998, the new computer game manufacturer Madcap Studios produced a terrific game called Escape from Treasure Mountain. Since then, fans of the game have waited for the sequel, Escape from Treasure Mountain II. Finally, that sequel is available in stores. However, while ETM II has its good points, I found it rather disappointing. Basically, it’s nothing more than the first game in a slick new package.

As in ETM I, heroine Gigi Loyola and her friends must collect clues to solve puzzles to find a way out of the tunnels beneath Treasure Mountain. The puzzles grow increasingly harder as the game progresses. At the end, gamers face a tough challenge before getting away with the treasure.

A word of warning: although the game creators say it is possible to play the game with only a 4-speed (4X) CD-ROM, I would not recommend it. The graphics load so slowly, you’ll only want to throw the game out the window.

On the plus side, the animation is great, right down to the expressions on the characters’ faces. The backgrounds are incredibly real looking. Also, ETM II displays the same zany humor that made the first game so popular. However, anyone who has not played ETM I will probably not get many of the jokes.

Overall, I would give Escape from Treasure Mountain II two stars out of five. It’s not a bad game; it’s just not original.

Which paragraph supports the author’s claim that Escape from Treasure Mountain II has its good points?
A : paragraph 2

B : paragraph 3

C : paragraph 4

D : paragraph 5

Hong Kong is a very cosmopolitan city that is more open to outside cultures and ideas than most other cities in the world.

The word cosmopolitan comes from the
A : Latin word for lion.

B : Greek name for the universe.

C : Roman goddess of the earth.

D : Greek god Oceanus, god of the water.

David avoids using technical language in his letter because his audience is made up of
A : people who have used e-books.

B : fellow students who use computers at school.

C : people of all ages and backgrounds.

D : editors who test out new products.

When the final draft of the report is typed, what line spacing should be used?
A : single-line spacing

B : double-line spacing

C : 1.5-line spacing

D : 2.5-line spacing