Meet the Counselor
Post-Secondary Options
MN Career Pathways
Counseling Website

Who is your school counselor?

Ms. Nelson (9th-10th Grade)


Name 3 types of degrees

Acceptable answers: Associate, bachelor's, graduate, doctorate, and/or professional degrees


How many career fields are included in the MN pathways model?



How do I login to Naviance?

Through the Apps linked to your Google Account


I am struggling in my classes and need more support. Where should I go?

Academic Supports (under Resources) has great tips on study habits and tutoring options!

Meeting with your teacher is a great option, but these are some things you can do on your own time, outside of school. And of course, you can always make an appointment with your school counselor!


T or F: The counselor will keep what you say private

True BUT there are exceptions...

if you want to hurt yourself, hurt someone else, and/or someone is hurting you

Also if you give me permission


Name 3 options for you after high school

Acceptable Answers: 4-year college or university, 2-year community college, trade and certificate programs, military, workforce, gap year, and/or programs for people with disabilities


Name 3 of the 4 career clusters in the Human Services Career Field

Acceptable Answers:

1. Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security

2. Government and Public Administration

3. Education and Training

4. Human Services


Where can I learn about my learning and productivity?

AchieveWorks Learning and Productivity under Self-Discovery


I am often hungry at home on weekends. Where do I go for help?

Food Resources (under Resources)


What are the 3 main focuses of a school counselor?

1. College and Career Readiness

2. Social/Emotional Development

3. Academic


What are the 5 main branches of the military?

Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard


In which career field is Restaurants and Food/Beverage Services included?

Business, Management, & Administration (Yellow)


T or F: I have to wait until I am an 11th grader to start applying for college scholarships

False: Under the Colleges tab there is a tab called National Scholarship Search. Click on the link at the top of the page to update your profile, and start applying if you are thinking about going to college!


I am feeling like I need a break. I cannot leave class but I can use my device. Where should I go?

The BreakRoom! There are all kinds of resources here to help you feel calm and centered


I need help finding a resource but do not know who to ask. Who should I talk to?

Acceptable Answers:

Ms. Nelson/Ms. Fredrickson/Mr. Tool

School Counselor


What is the form you need to fill out to get any financial aid from the federal government to help pay for college?

Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)


Name 3 of the 4 career clusters in the Engineering, Manufacturing, & Technology Career Field

Acceptable Answers:

1. Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics

2. Architecture and Construction

3. Manufacturing

4. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)


Where can I learn about my strengths to help me plan for what classes to take/college/career?

Strengths Explorer under Self-Discovery


I am struggling with my mental health and do not know what to do. Where should I go for help? (on the counseling website)

Mental Health Resources (under Resources)

Make an appointment with your school counselor or go see if someone is available to talk! If you do not have access to someone who can help right away, try using some of the mental health and wellness apps, or a crisis line. In an emergency please dial 911!


T or F: I can make an appointment with my school counselor on the homepage of the counseling website

True: There is a link to my appointment calendar where you can schedule a time with me within the next week.


What is the name of the type of program that offers on-the-job training and provides an affordable pathway to becoming skilled in a trade or profession?

An apprenticeship


In which career field is Therapeutic Services included?

Health Science Technology (Red)


T or F: I should start thinking about careers I might be interested in

TRUE! If you click on the Careers tab, you can start to explore careers or explore clusters and pathways. Which ever one you choose, these tabs will help you get familiar with how much education you need for each career, qualifications, salary, if it will be a good fit for you and more! Start exploring ASAP!


It is time for me to register for classes, but I do not know what classes I should be taking. Where should I go?

Registration (under Resources) has tons of information about what is offered here at DHS! Between graduation requirements, class descriptions, 4-year plans and more... this is the place you should start!