Main Idea
Imagery, Mood & Tone
Internal/External Conflict

-Shortened version of a text

-Contain main ideas 

-3-4 sentences

What is summarizing?


1. The reader's emotions after reading a text

2. The writer's attitude towards the text

1. What is Mood?

2. What is Tone?


Personification is when authors provide _______ qualities to ________ objects

What is "Human" & "Non-Human"?


1. ______________ is a problem that happens within someone (anxiety, fear of failure, etc.)

2. ______________ is a problem that happens outside of someone (natural disasters, crash, etc.)

1. Internal Conflict

2. External Conflict


I can fly, but have no wings. I can cry but I have no eyes. Wherever I go, darkness follows me. What am I?

What are clouds?


- The most important details

-A short summary in YOUR own words

-Does NOT include specific quotes

What is main idea?


According to Imagery, what are five ways you can describe a piece of apple pie?

What is the five senses? (sight, touch, hear, taste, smell)


A specific symbol that continually reappears throughout the book over and over.

What is a motif?


Fill in the blanks:

1. Man vs. _____: an interpersonal conflict between one character and another

2. Man vs. _____: a conflict between a character and the society or culture he lives in -  can be general or specific

3. Man vs. _____: a conflict between a character and his faith or belief system

4. Man vs. _____: a conflict between a character and natural forces (usually a struggle for survival in some form)

5. Man vs. _____: a conflict in which a character struggles to overcome his own weaknesses or reconcile inner troubles

1. Man vs. Man

2. Man vs. Society

3. Man vs. God

4. Man vs. Nature

5. Man vs. Self


How can you lift an elephant with one hand?

It doesn't matter, because you will never find an elephant with one hand!

What is the main idea of this prompt? (1 sentence)

The question of the origin of the Igbo people has not been fully answered, but there are very intriguing theories or histories that are now being studied in order to understand the origin of the Igbo people. Some believe the origin of the Igbo people is linked to the Jewish state of Israel. Others claim that the Igbo people might have migrated from Egypt during the Stone Age era.

Main Idea: No one is quite sure about the origins of the Igbo people, but some believe that they come from Israel or Egypt.


What is the "tone" of this prompt?

Birds are odd creatures. I'm convinced that they are government spies because I never see them in the winter. I assume they are on break. I will never go near one. I don't want them to find out about the pile of cash I acquired selling bootlegged copies of Dreamworks "Bee Movie" (2007). 

(Hint: not just "positive" or "negative")

What is (distrustful, skeptical, unsure, doubtful, etc.)?


Foreshadowing is information an author includes in a text to _______________.

What is "hint at future plot events"?


What kind of conflict is this?

Aladdin is very poor and wishes for more.

He becomes Prince Ali because he doesn't think he is good enough for Jasmine.

What is "Man vs. Self"?


In 1990, a person is 15 years old. In 1995, that same person is 10 years old. How can this be?

What is this person was born in 2005 BC?


Both teams answer:

Summarize the main idea of TFA in 3-4 sentences.

*subjective response*


Team Race:

Find an example of imagery in TFA (first team to find one gets the points)

*subjective response*


Find an example or personification OR foreshadowing in TFA (first team to find one gets the point)

*subjective response*


Find two examples in TFA:

Internal Conflict

External Conflict 

(First team to find them gets the points)

*subjective response*


If you choose an answer to this question at random, what is the chance you will be correct?

A) 25%

B) 50%

C) 60%

D) 25%

When limited to the 4 provided answers, there is no correct answer, because this question is a paradox.

When there is one correct answer, the chance to pick that answer would be 25%. However, the answer 25% exists twice, so there is a 50% chance of picking it. But there is only one answer which says 50% and the chance to pick that answer is 25%.


Volunteer one person from each team to make a shot across the classroom


Volunteer one person from each team to make a shot across the classroom


Volunteer one person from each team to make a shot across the classroom


Volunteer one person from each team to make a shot across the classroom


Volunteer one person from each team to make a shot across the classroom