Figurative Language
Rhetorical Devices

What form of figurative language is the following? 

I’d rather French kiss a rattlesnake than miss a gym period.


"Do you want to take the shot, Vince?"The coach asked me.I looked into his eyes.They were ice-cold blue.His face did not betray his feelings, but I knew that he meant it."I do, Coach.I can make the shot."I replied.He nodded and then put his hand on top of my head."I don't know how long any of us will live, but we will all remember what happens nextfor as long as we do." He then slapped me on the back.The referee blewthe whistle and it was time to find out just how I would be remembered.

What is first person point of view


Uses words or phrases with a similar structure.

What is parallelism


“Exposes” readers to the world of the story. Readers are introduced to the setting (time and place of the story) and some or all of the characters.  

What is the exposition


Romeo and Juliet

What is love/fate/death/feuding


Drip—hiss—drip—hiss fall the raindrops / on the oaken log which burns, and steams,and smokes the ceiling beams. / Drip—hiss—the rain never stops.  

What is an onomatopoeia 


Congratulations on purchasing the Tatakai Warriors: Fighting for Peanut Butter computer game.Before you install this program, you'llneed to make sure that you have at least 24 kb of free space on your installation target.Insertthe cd rom disc into your drive.The disc should run automatically.Select "Full Install" from the installation menu.The program will begin installing on your target drive. This might take up to twenty-four hours.Once installation is complete, an alert box should appear.If you see a successful installation message, remove the disc from the drive and enjoy the adventure!

What is second person point of view


The attribution of human properties toward things or animals.

What is personification


Any event that occurs after the exposition but before the climax or turning point of the story.

What is the rising action


The Scarlet Ibis

What is pride/recognizing limits/acceptance

By the lakes that thus outspread/ Their lone waters, lone and dead / Their sad waters, sad and chilly

What is personification


Greg looked up at the bright lights in the operating room until they burned a white spot in his field of vision.He looked at the face of the surgeon and saw only a white blur. When he looked away,he could see the surgeon's masked face from his peripheries. Hecould hear him readying an array of metalinstruments, many of which looked as though they might belong to a dentist.I hope he's not going to use those on me!Greg thought to himselfwith terror.The surgeon picked up one that looked like a bent up question mark.

What is third person limited


A comparison made by referring to one thing as another without using the words "like" or "as."

What is a metaphor


The moment in the story when the momentum or feeling of the narrative shifts

What is the climax


A Good Man is Hard to Find

What is good and (vs.) evil

 I shall be as peaceful as the leafy trees.

What is a simile

"Wow, look at his costume," said Annie."He's dressed up like an electric jellyfish."She observed the flashing lights with genuine admiration.Adrianna looked at the costume and scoffed.Secretly, she envied the detail and craftsmanship that went into thejellyfish costume, but she would never let on to Annie.“What kind of loser goes walking around like a Christmas tree?”Adrianna said.Annie did not agree, but did not want to be disagreeable.“Yeah...what kind?”The ladies walked by another house.Annie did not like this.It seemed like Adrianna more interested in criticizing othersthan in trick-or-treating.Annie adjusted the headband to her costume.Adrianna was not wearing a costume.

Third person omniscient


A literary device that repeats the same words or phrases a few times to make an idea clearer and more memorable.

What is repetition


Events that occur after the climax or turning point of the story.

What is the falling action


The Gift of the Magi

What is love/sacrifice


 All books are either dreams, or swords,You can cut, or you can drug, with words.

What is a metaphor/personification


Juan held the space rock in his hand and imagined that he was on the moon. He started bouncing around the gymnasium as though he were in a zero gravity setting. Mr. Worser chased after him and said, "Juan, put that moon rock back on the table!" Juan couldn't hear Mr. Worser because Juan was so involved in his imaginary scenario. "Beep! Commander, bring the lunar rover in for a landing," Juan was saying to himself. Mr. Worser grabbed Juan by the shoulder. This brought Juan ba

What is third person limited


The occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words.

What is alliteration


The final moments of the story

What is the resolution


I Have a Dream

What is equality/acceptance