favorite foods
this person is considered tan and adorable lol jk
Husband and wife who were convicted of treason (for sharing atomic secrets with the Russians) and executed. He was guilty. She was probably not.
Who is Julius and Ethel Rosenberg?
This location in Korea was the line crossed when the North Korean Army cut their way easily to the heart of the South.
What is the 38th Parallel?
In June 1947, Truman's secretary of state, George Marshall, masterminded this plan to give Western Europe massive amounts of financial assistance and political support for rebuilding democratic forms of government.
What is Marshall Plan?
Alliance established in response to the NATO pact in 1955. consisted of the Soviet Union and communist governments in Eastern Europe.
What is Warsaw Pact?
this persom is the best
He was president at the end of WWII into the beginning of the Cold War. He presided over events like the dropping of the Atomic Bomb, the Berlin Blockade/Airlift, and the Marshall Plan.
Who is Harry Truman?
Country that helped North Korea fight against U.N. forces and South Korea in the Korean War.
What is China?
In march 1947, Truman made this speech where he asked Congress for funding to assist Greece and Turkey in repelling a possible communist take over.
What is the Truman Doctrine?
The name of Truman's plan of domestic reforms aimed at solving some of our nation's problems after WWII.
What is the Fair Deal?
A mutual defense pact signed by the U.S., Canada, and 10 Western European nations stating that an armed attack against one or more of the member nations shall be considered an attack against all.
What is NATO?
Leader of England during WWII and the period after WWII.
Who is Churchill?
The capital of South Korea. North Korea took it over when it first invaded South Korea.
What is Seoul?
Term used by Churchill in a speech in Fulton, Missouri. He said it had descended on Europe, meaning that the soviets had cut off Eastern Europe from the West. He warned that Soviets would eventually look beyond Eastern Europe to try to gain control over other areas.
What is the Iron Curtain?
Phone polls incorrectly predicted that Thomas Dewey would win, and newspapers printed that Dewey won.
What is the 1948 election?
A narrow strip of land along the 38th parallel, dividing North and South Korea. No military is allowed in this strip-from either North Korea or the U.N./South Korea.
What is DMZ Demilitarized Zone
Republican senator who started raising suspicion that communists besides Alger Hiss were still working in the State Department.
Who is Joseph McCarthy?
The capital of North Korea.
What is Pyongyang?
Refers to the practice of making accusations of subversion or treason without proper regard for evidence.
What is McCarthyism?
This was the second one our country had. This time we feared communists, and went on a massive hunt for them.
What is the Red Scare?
A new policy that expanded the containment policy. It was outlined in a report that said the U.S. must actively "foster the seeds of destruction within the Soviet Union" and fight communist movements wherever they arose. (Not just in strategic locations anymore.)
What is NSC-68?
Leader of the U.S.S.R. during WWII and the period after.
Who is Stalin?
on the border of china and North Korea. China crossed it to join North Korea in fighting the UN and South Korea.
What is Yalu River?
U.S. policy of trying to stop the spread of communism through limited military means and nonmilitary means in areas of the world that were of strategic importance to the U.S. This policy came from the ideas of U.S. diplomat and expert on Soviet history and culture, George Kennan.
What is containment?
When either side is capable of winning against the other in a war it is called this.
What is a stalemate?