“I Wandered Lonely”
Dream Deferred
Sympathy/Caged Bird
"Seven Ages of Man"
"The Road Not Taken"

 The imagery of the poem, “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud,” is created mainly by the

    a. dancing daffodils                

     b.  clouds

    c.  shining stars            

    d.  waves

Dancing Daffodils 


Overall, how does one feel if a dream is deferred?

        a. happy            c. grateful

        b. angry             d. lonely



The poet compares the caged bird’s song to a

A. lullaby.

B. symphony.

C. carol of joy.

D. prayer.



The poet compares the world to a 

a. story book    

B. a film    

C. a stage    

D. a playground



The speaker in “The Road Not Taken” must decide which

a.friend to invite on a journey.

b. road to cover with gravel.

c. road to travel.

d.vehicle to drive down the road.

road to travel


Identify the rhyme scheme of the first stanza:

          I WANDERED lonely as a cloud

          That floats on high o'er vales and hills,

          When all at once I saw a crowd,

          A host, of golden daffodils;

          Beside the lake, beneath the trees,

          Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

    a. ababcc        c. aabbcc

    b. abbabc    d. ababa



If an individual does not possess dreams, he/she will

        a. cannot grow                        

        b. cannot experience life         

        c. both a and b

        d. neither a or b

both a and b


In “Caged Bird,” Angelou is comparing and contrasting

A. a free bird to a caged bird.

B.  a sympathetic bird to a songbird. 

C. the bird in her poem with the bird in “Sympathy.” 

D. pet birds and birds in a zoo.

a free bird to a caged bird.


  "Creeping like a snail" is an example of

1.    Metaphor    

2.    Alliteration    

3.    Personification    

4.    Simile    



Although the differences in the roads are slight, what ultimately draws the traveler in “The Road Not Taken” to the road he takes?

a.The road is grassy and seems to have been traveled by fewer people.

b.The road seems longer, so it will provide the traveler with more exercise.

c.The road is paved and seems to lead to people and communities.

d.The road is bumpy and full of potholes, so the traveler thinks others will avoid it.

The road is grassy and seems to have been traveled by fewer people.


The word “jocund” in the third stanza means (“A poet could not be but gay, / in such a jocund company”)

    a.  merry                    c.  careful 

    b.  lonely                    d.esteemed



Why is the last line, Or does it explode, italicized?

        a.  it completes the narrative    

        b. it is meant to add humor 

        c. it provides emphasis    

        d. it flows well with the rhyme scheme

it provides emphasis    


Which of the following BEST explains the title “Sympathy”?

A. The speaker pities the caged bird because of its injuries. 

B. The speaker shares the caged bird’s desire for freedom.

C. The speaker is critical of the caged bird’s reasons for singing. 

D. The speaker admires the caged bird’s courage.

The speaker shares the caged bird’s desire for freedom.


"All the world's a stage and all the men and women merely _________.

1.    puppets    

2.    actors    

3.    players    

4.    dummies



When the speaker in “The Road Not Taken” predicts that he will someday tell about his decision “with a sigh,” what does he mean?

a.He will feel sad because the road will probably not lead to success.

b.He will feel some regret and wonder if his life would have been different had he taken the other road.

c.He will be depressed at the thought of returning to the woods.

d.He will feel disappointment because the road will probably no longer be there.

He will feel some regret and wonder if his life would have been different had he taken the other road.


“...the bliss of solitude” refers to the act of 

a.  feeling lonely                

b.  being sleepy

c.  leaving one’s family      

d.  revisiting an experience later when alone

   revisiting an experience later when alone


Overall, what is the tone of “Dream Deferred”?

        a. happy and carefree            

        b. bitter and frustrated

        c. mysterious and threatening       

        d. humorous and witty 

bitter and frustrated


According to the speaker in “Sympathy,” how does the caged bird feel?

A. bright, springing, perfumed 

B. alarmed, persecuted, fearful

C. constrained, oppressed, imprisoned

D. faint, clinging, ill

constrained, oppressed, imprisoned


In the second stage of life man

1.    mews and pukes    

2.    goes to school unwillingly    

3.    cries in his nurses lap    

4.    sings and plays    

goes to school unwillingly  


The line “Two roads diverged in a wood, And I— / I took the one less traveled by, / And that has made all the difference” is figurative language that compares the experience of choosing one road over another to

a.running a marathon.

b. planting flowers and trees.

c. making peace with an enemy.

d.making an important life decision.

making an important life decision.


Which of the following lines contains an example of figurative language? 

a. “Beside the lake, beneath the trees

b. “Along the margin of the bay”

c. “Continuous as the stars that shine”

d. “In vacant or in pensive mood” 

“Continuous as the stars that shine”


What is the most direct and effective use of figurative language?

a. I wandered lonely as a cloud 

b. Two paths diverged in the woods and I 

c. Dried up like a raisin in the sun 

d. Life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly

Life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly


The title of Maya Angelou’s poem refers to an image in Paul Laurence Dunbar’s poem. This is an example of

A. a simile       B. irony

C. an allusion     D. plagiarism



What kind of poem is “The Seven Ages of Man” and who wrote it?




Figuratively, the roads in both “The Road Not Taken” represent

a.types of businesses.

b. paths through life.

c. paths to big cities.

d. unhappiness.

paths through life.