Adaptations to Geo
Cultural Diffusion
Golden Age

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are all this type of religion that believes in only one god. 

What is monotheism? 


This physical feature of Greece made it difficult for the Greeks to develop a strong central government, and so created independent city-states instead.  

What are mountains? 

Paper, gunpowder, and printing were invented here but spread throughout the world. 

What is China? 


The House of Wisdom, growth of a paper industry, and the circle city of Baghdad are associated with this golden age. 

What is the Golden Age of Islam or the Abbasid Caliphate? 


This king of Mali brought scholars back to the city of Timbuktu to make it a center of learning. 

Who is Mansa Musa? 

The 5 Pillars of Islam include faith in 1 god, charity, fasting during Ramadan, prayer 5 times a day, and this. 

What is the hajj? 


Like the Romans, the city of Constantinople had to build a large system of these to bring fresh water into the city. 

What are aqueducts? 

Crusaders returning to Europe brought back these goods which prompted more trade between Europe and Asia. 

What are spices, soap, textiles? 

This emperor of the Han Dynasty helped to establish the Silk Road, one of the most important trade routes in history. 

Who is Emperor Wu or Wudi?


This event was the beginning of the domestication of plants and animals, and marked the rise of civilization. 

What is the Neolithic Revolution? 


This "code of conduct" in Buddhism helps followers reach nirvana through right meditation, right thoughts, etc. 

What is the Eightfold Path? 


The Aztecs created these man-made island to expand the city of Tenochtitlan. 

What are chinampas? 


This walled city was a center of trade routes between Europe, Asia, and Africa.

What is Constantinople or Istanbul?


This golden age of art and learning focused on realistic art and perspective.

What is the Renaissance? 

European governments during the middle ages were based on this system of social classes that exchanged land for taxes/service. 

What is feudalism? 


This major split in Christianity was started in part by Martin Luther's 95 Theses.

What is the Protestant Reformation?


Japan, China, and the Inca have all used this adaptation to geography to create flat farm land in mountainous areas. 

What is terrace farming? 


This Italian merchant traveled to Yuan China and wrote a book about his journeys that increased trade between Asia and Europe. 

Who is Marco Polo? 


This golden age of India was responsible for the creation of the Arabic numeral system, the concept of 0, and the Ajanta cave paintings. 

What is the Gupta Empire? 


This "Chinese" admiral sailed all along the Indian Ocean coasts in some of the finest wooden ships ever built. 

Who is Zheng He? 


This lowest group in the Hindu caste system has historically faced discrimination. 

Who are the Dalits? 


In order to combat flooding from these rivers, the Chinese built walls around their cities. 

What are the Yellow River and the Yangtze River? 

These animals had never been seen in the New World prior to the Columbian Exchange.  They revolutionized transportation and work. 

What are horses? 


This golden age didn't really create any new cultural achievements, but the safety it provided helped other achievements spread. 

What is the Pax Mongolica? 


Confucianism is based on this idea, that you must respect your elders/superiors. 

What is filial piety?