Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Precepts of the Church
The Church
You should conduct a complete examination of conscience prior to receiving this Sacrament.
What is Reconciliation?
This gift is exemplified in paying worship and duty to God.
What is Reverence or Piety?
Suicide is a violation of this commandment.
What is the Commandment "you shall not kill"?
Catholics fast on these two days each year.
What is Ash Wednesday and Good Friday?
Providing food to the hungry is considered by the Catholic church to be this kind of work.
What is a Corporal Work of Mercy
This sacrament frees the recipient of original sin and returns them to a state of grace.
What is Baptism?
This gift provides penetrating insight into the very heart of things, especially those higher truths that are necessary for our eternal salvation
What is Understanding?
Your friend's parents buy him a brand new car and you find yourself overcome with jealousy. You are likely breaking this commandment.
What is "You shall not covet your neighbor's goods"?
If you receive communion only once per year, you should do so during this liturgical season.
What is Easter?
There are approximately 200 priests worldwide that have received holy orders while also maintaining this sacrament.
What is Matrimony?
Once ordained, a priest is no longer allowed to receive this sacrament.
What is matrimony?
This gift is both the knowledge of and judgment about "divine things" and the ability to judge and direct human affairs according to divine truth.
What is Wisdom?
You go out with your friends to a movie and although your parents have told you to be home by 10pm, you decide that if you stay out an extra 30 minutes, its not really a big deal. You are likely violating this commandment.
What is "Honor your father and your mother".
These people have primary responsibility for ensuring you understand the Catholic faith.
Who are your parents?
This day celebrates the Last Supper.
What is Holy Thursday?
Adult decision is an essential part of this sacrament.
What is Confirmation?
This gift is the ability to judge correctly about matters of faith and right action, so as to never wander from the straight path of justice
What is Knowledge?
Your cell phone has stopped working. While you didn't see your brother do anything to it, you are sure that he has something to do with it. You make sure your parents know that your brother is responsible. You are likely violating this commandment.
What is "You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor"?
The precepts of the church state that you should attend mass on these days.
What are Sunday's and Holy Days of Obligation?
Attending youth group can be a part of this precept of the church.
What is Studying Catholic teaching throughout your life?
What is the process by which bread and wine become the body and blood of Christ?
This gift whereby we revere God and avoid separating ourselves from him.
What is Wonder and Awe (fear of the Lord)?
As a group you go see a fortune teller. She tells you some things that there is NO WAY should could possibly know about you. You are so shocked that you fully believe her when she tells you about your future. By believing that she has supernatural insight, you could be violating this commandment.
What is "You shall have no strange gods before me"?
You should go to reconciliation when you have committed this type of sin.
What is mortal sin?
This describes an action or event that is a sign of the church and gives God's grace.
What is a Sacrament?