Luke I
Luke II
Luke III
John I
John II
In the book of Luke, why is Zecheriah struck dumb?

He doubts the message of the angel Gabriel, so God takes away his ability to speak.


In Luke 8, what two miracles occur because of someone's faith?

A woman who has been sick for 12 years is healed, and a dead girl is restored to life.


In Luke 18, Jesus tells the rich young ruler, "Sell everything you have and give to the poor." Does he mean that no rich person can follow God? If not, who do you think he means?

Apparently, the rich young ruler is too attached to his wealth and possessions to become a follower of Jesus. His response to Jesus' questions reveals his heart. His possessions will always come first in his life.  Clearly, a rich person can follow God, but God must come first, not money.


Where is Jesus first miracle, and where does He perform it?

He turns water into wine at a wedding feast in the town of Cana in Galilee.


Why does Jesus wash his disciple's feet?

Jesus wants to demonstrate a servant spirit to His disciples, and to us. He wants His followers to have that kind of spirit.


When and Why is Zecheriah able to speak again?

After Zecheriah demonstrates faith by writing "His name is John," his ability to speak is restored.

What do you think Jesus means in Luke 10:21 when He compares the wisdom of the children with that of the wise and learned? 

Jesus is referring to His disciples as children because they have been humble and teachable, not like those "wise and learned" people who think they need no instruction.


Which actions of Zacchaeus show that his faith is real?

He gives half of his possessions to the poor and pays four times the amount of their loss to those he has cheated.


How does Jesus' first miracle affect His disciples?

The disciples see His glory, and they put their faith in Him.


In John 17, how can you tell that we are included in Jesus' prayer?

Jesus prays for "those who will believe in me through their that the world may believe that you have sent me.


When Simeon and Anna see the infant Jesus in the temple, how do you think they know who He is?

Both of these godly senior citizens believe God's promises and have looked for the Messiah for many years, so God allows them to see and recognize Him.


What lesson is Jesus teaching in the parable of the rich fool?

Earthly wealth is lost when we die, but our relationship with God, which is permanent, is of far greater importance.

What is Jesus' purpose in reminding His followers of the Old Testament prophecies?

He wants them to understand that He, and the events they have witnessed, are the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies about the Messiah.


What are two reasons that the Jews want to kill Jesus?

He has broken the Sabbath by healing a man on that day, and He calls God His Father, "making himself equal with God."


What does Thomas say that shows he believes?

"My Lord and my God!"


After the miracle of the enormous catch of fish, Jesus tells Peter, James, and John that "from now on you will catch men." Why do you think they leave everything to follow Him?

 Because of the miracle, they probably realize that He comes from God, though they still do not fully understand that He is the promised Messiah, the Son of God.


In the parable of the lost son, the father gives a banquet when his younger son comes back home. Why is the older son angry, and should he be?

Unlike the lost son, the older one has stayed home and been responsible, but his father has never given a party for him. 


What is the importance of Peter's words in Luke 9:20?

They show that Peter now understands that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God.


Why are the parents of the man born blind unwilling to explain how their son has received his sight?

They are afraid the Pharisees will put them out of the synagogue.


When and How do the disciples revive the promised Holy Spirit?

On the evening of the day of His resurrection, Jesus meets with the disciples breathes on them and says, "Receive the Holy Spirit."

Why is Jesus amazed at the Centurion's words (7:2-10)? Why does He compare the Centurion's faith with that of the Israelites?

Jesus is amazed that the centurion has enough faith to believe that Jesus can heal his servant from a distance. Jesus expects the Israelites, the people of God, to have faith, but He notes that the Centurion's faith exceeds theirs.


What does Jesus say about the kingdom of God in Luke 17? What does He mean?

He says it is "within you". He means that every believer belongs to the kingdom of God through faith in Him.


How can we get to know God better, according to Jesus?

We can learn what God is like by looking at Jesus, studying His life and teachings.


Who are the three that see the empty tomb, and when do they all see Jesus?

Mary Magdalene, Peter, and John