Reading Terms
Short Answer Qs
The Test
Test Tips
The events of a story, including the conflict. Broken down into 5 parts: introduction, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution
What is plot?
One of the most important parts of answering a short answer question is to include this to back up your answer.
What is text evidence?
The date of your TAKS reading test.
What is March 1st.
When you come across a word that you do not know in a reading selection, question, or answer choice, you shoulc _______________________.
What is use a dictionary!?
comparison of two things using "like" or "as"
What is a simile?
When the narrator of the story is a character in the story. Uses pronouns like I, me, we, us to tell the story.
What is first person point-of-view?
Use these steps to answer a short answer question on the test.
What is A-Answer the Question, C-Cite Text Evidence, and E-explain the evidence?
What the set of three selections is called.
What is a triplet?
After reading the first selection, you should do this so you do not get confused by the other story.
What is answer the questions about that story first?
Returning to an earlier time in the story for the purpose of making something clearer in the present.
What is flashback?
The overall feeling that the writer creates for the READER. It can change depending on what happens in the story, just like yours does depending on what happens throughout the day.
What is mood?
The possible scores you can receive on the short answer questions.
What is 0-3?
The number of short answer questions.
What is 3?
If you have trouble remembering what you read, you should do this and take notes about each.
What is break the story up into smaller chunks?
A comparison of two unlike things by direct comparison, saying one is the other - without using "like" or "as"
What is a metaphor?
The writer's attitude toward the subject of a story. Created by WORD CHOICE. The _____ of a horror story might be mysterious or gloomy.
What is tone?
This type of text evidence is copied directly from the story and should be put in quotation marks.
What is a direct quote?
The third short answer question on the test is called a crossover question because it asks questions about __________________.
What is both reading selections?
You should do this in the blank space in your book before writing your final short answer response in the answer document box.
What is write a rough draft of your answer?
Giving human characteristics to inanimate objects.
What is personification?
The turning point in the plot. The point of highest suspense and excitement in the conflict occurs during this section of the plot.
What is climax?
You should avoid answering a question with this, simply retelling the story in your own words without addressing the question.
What is plot summary?
Number of multiple choice questions on the test.
What is 33?
Even if you can't find a quote that fits your answer, you should do this anyway.
What is use quotes!?
The difference between what is said and what is meant, what is said and what is done, what is expected or intended and what happens, what is meant and what others understand.
What is irony?