What does Bat's mother do for work?
She is a veterinarian
An animal that eats both plants and meat is called...
What is Bat's real name?
Bixby Alexander Tam
What is a baby skunk called?
A kit
Name ONE of Bat's favorite foods
Name ONE: lemon yogurt, vanilla yogurt, peanut butter, spaghetti and meatballs
Who is Laurence?
A vet technician at Bat's mom's office
The word for the pen/cage that Bat's mom sets up for Thor in their house
What is Bat's sister's name?
Why do skunks spray?
For defense
What does the kit eat?
puppy formula
What nickname does Laurence call Bat?
Bat Boy
The little holes on shoes that shoelaces go through are called... (p.51)
What is Bat's teacher's name?
Mr. Grayson
Do skunks make good pets?
What did Bat's dad cook even though he knew Bat didn't like it?
What kind of car does Bat's dad drive?
A yellow sports car
What is the name of the class pet?
Where do skunks live? Name one place.
Name one of these: abandoned burrows, hollow logs, underneath homes
What is the name of Bat's favorite coffee shop?
What is the FULL name of the word skunk expert?
Dr. Jerry Dragoo
What do you call the medical professional who treats the injuries and illnesses of animals?
Who does Bat invite over to his house?
Name ONE predator of a skunk
Say one of these: red foxes, coyotes, dogs, owls
What is the name of Bat's favorite candy store?
Sugar Shack