Just Keep Breathing
No Air
Inhale, Exhale

What is wind energy?

-  Is a clean, sustainable energy source that uses wind turbines to convert air movement into electrical power.

- Is a clean and renewable source of energy. 


 How many homes can a typical turbine power?

- A typical wind turbine can power around 1,300 homes.


 What type of energy is associated with wind?

- Kinetic energy 

[Kinetic energy, the energy of motion

Potential energy, energy that is waiting to be used]


How can wind energy impact us greatly as communities?

- By producing clean, renewable electricity. 

- Improved public health, healthier surroundings and less pollution.

- Can boosts local economies.

- It generate jobs.

- Reduces energy prices and encourages sustainable growth.


What is 336 million metric tons of carbon dioxide an equivalent of?  

- The equivalent to the emissions of 73 million cars. 


How can wind help plants? What happens if there is no wind? 

- It helps some plants spread by blowing their seeds to new grounds. Without wind, there’s no regulation of temperature, concentration, etc. happening.