The Ghost of Christmas Past visits Scrooge second
What is False
The Ghost of Christmas Present was the jolliest ghost
What is true
Where is the last place the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come take Scrooge
What is a graveyard
What is the resolution
What is Scrooge becomes happy and loves Christmas
Scrooge's clerk is named what?
What is Bob Cratchit
What is Scrooge's favorite place the Ghost of Christmas Past take him
What is Fezziwig's ball
What is the Ghost of Christmas Present portrayed as
What is a giant
This ghost never spoke
What is True
Who was the first ghost to visit Ebenezer Scrooge?
What is Jacob Marley
What was Cratchit's youngest kids name
What is Tiny Tim
Where does the Ghost of Christmas Past take Phil first
What is a boarding school
What color hair does the Ghost of Christmas Present have
What is red
What did this Ghost wear
What is a torn cloak
Where does Jacob Marley scare Scrooge
What is Scrooge's living room
Who said come and know me better man
What is the Ghost of Christmas Present
What time does the Ghost of Christmas Past appear
What is 1am
What is the Ghost of Christmas Present doing when Scrooge sees him
What is eating a feast
Where is the first place the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come take Scrooge
What is a shady general store.
What is the gift that Scrooge gives to Cratchit
What is a giant turkey
When did Marley say the first ghost would come
What is 1am
This Character is portrayed as what
What is a young child
What does the Ghost of Christmas Present wear on his head
What is an laurel wreath
What does the ghost show Scrooge that scares him
What is Ebenezer's gravestone
Why is Scrooge visited by Jacob Marley
What is to warn him that he will be punished for his mistakes
What was the name of Scrooge's house maid
What is Mrs. Dilber