What does Scrooge think about Christmas?
He thinks it is a time of nonsense and calls it "humbug."
What is Bob Cratchit's job?
He is Scrooge's clerk.
Who is Jacob Marley?
He is Scrooge's deceased business partner.
Who does Scrooge meet first among the spirits?
He meets the Ghost of Christmas Past.
Who is the woman that Scrooge remembers from his past?
She is his lost love, who left him because of his obsession with money.
How does Scrooge react to his nephew Fred's Christmas invitation?
He rudely refuses and criticizes Fred for being merry.
How does Cratchit try to keep warm in the office?
He tries to warm himself in a cold corner of the office.
How does Marley appear to Scrooge when he first visits?
He drags a chain made of cash-boxes, keys, and ledgers.
(must name at least one)
What does the Ghost of Christmas Past look like?
It looks like both a child and an old man
What does the woman accuse Scrooge of being too focused on?
She accuses him of being too focused on wealth
What does Scrooge say will happen to those who wish him a merry Christmas?
Should be boiled with his own pudding, and buried with a stake of holly through his heart. He should!
What does Cratchit say when he leaves work on Christmas Eve?
He wishes Scrooge a "Merry Christmas."
What warning does Marley give Scrooge?
He warns Scrooge to change his ways before it's too late.
What does the Ghost of Christmas Past show Scrooge?
It shows him scenes from his own past, including his childhood.
How does the man in the scene feel about his lost love?
He is regretful and realizes he has changed.
How does Scrooge treat Bob Cratchit at work?
He is harsh and refuses to let him have enough coal to stay warm.
How does Scrooge respond to Cratchit when he asks for Christmas day off?
He states that he needs to arrive at the office early the next morning.
What does Marley say will happen to Scrooge if he does not listen to the spirits?
He will end up like Marley, doomed to wander as a ghost.
How does Scrooge react when he sees himself as a young boy?
He cries, feeling sad for the lonely boy he once was.
What does the woman say has displaced her in the man's heart?
A golden idol (money).
What does Scrooge see when he first gets home?
He sees Marley’s face in the door knocker.
Scrooge’s nephew says that Christmas is the time when people open their hearts to each other. He invites Scrooge to eat with his family on Christmas.How does Scrooge reply?
He rudely refuses.
What does Marley say he is cursed to carry?
He is cursed to carry the chains he forged in life due to his greed.
What significant moment does Scrooge witness with his sister Fan?
He sees her come to take him home from school for Christmas.
What does the man ask the woman as she leaves?
He asks her not to release him, showing his regret.